Comments on: OBAMA’S ‘Katrina Moment’? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 24 Mar 2009 13:38:00 +0000 Ooops the first line shouls read:I agree with Anon. It's much too soon to determine whether or not the President's economic plans will succeed or not.

By: Truthiz Tue, 24 Mar 2009 13:36:00 +0000 I agree with Anon. It's much too soon for to determine whther or nor the Prsident's economic plans will succeed or not.I happen to like Frank Rich. But his "Katrina Moment" comment is the kind of blather so typical of the media echo-chamber. Rich et al (meaning cable news blather-mouths) really need to go somewhere and SIT. DOWN. On the issue of our economic crisis, they bring nothing save their egos to the table.The American people seem willing to give him more time_BUT they want to see a much more vigorous and substantive effort on the part of the President and his economic team to GET. THE. JOB. DONE. We want it done in a timely fashion but also a fair and equitable manner.BTW: I agree with Obama’s REFUSAL_via Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner _to endorse what I call the_ “OH SH*T! Americans are REALLY angry. Let’s throw something together real quick to tax Wall Street to save OUR own azzez” bill.America is such a “Reactive” society and as such, tends to do stupid sh*t in response to some UNintended consequences of NOT having done "the right thing" in the first place. This is especially true when it comes to the government and Wall Street. How many times over the past 25 years have our “elected” officials FAILED miserably to simply do their job? How many times have they RUSHED through a vote on a piece of legislation WITHOUT reading the d*mn thing first? And/or without seriously considering the possible adverse effects it would have on this country and the American people???!Most of our politicians appear to be sorely LACKING in ALL areas of essential KSAs needed for effective governance. The fact that the majority of them seem utterly incompetent, at best, should surprise no one these days. Does Obama have his work cut out for him? Yep.But I’m giving the man more time to show me what he’s working with.

By: Anonymous Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:50:00 +0000 obama's no magician and cant be expected to turn everything around in 62 days. give the guy a break. all these problems were inherited from gwb and is gonna take time. be patientm people!
