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President Obama’s rather ambitious domestic policy, even the success of his presidency could very well hinge on his support from white voters.  Which makes it all the more troubling for the White House that his approval ratings have dropped substantially, particularly among white voters, after Mr. Obama criticized a white Boston Police Sargeant’s arrest of a black Harvard scholar.  Many Obama supporters cringed when he seemed to take sides in the local altercation, but applauded him for his attempts to bring all sides together at the White House “Beer Summit” to bury the hatchet.  But was it all enough?

Lawrence Jacobs, Director of the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance at the University of Minnesota, said he was stunned at how poorly the normally ultra-controlled Obama handled what Jacobs called “the first major personal debacle for the President.”  Others have gone further to call Mr. Obama’s impromptu comments a major defining moment of his presidency.  Almost immediately after his remark that police had “acted stupidly” in arresting Gates, the President’s approval rating plummeted among whites, dropping over two days from 53 percent to 46 percent in a poll by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.  So was the White House “Beer Summit” enough to make this all be forgotten within a few weeks?  Or will this become Mr. Obama’s “Stupid Moment” possibly derailing his political clout and personal agenda?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ:“So was the White House "Beer Summit" enough to make this all be forgotten within a few weeks?” Never underestimate the powerful influence, the notion of a beer-drinking President has on the psyche of most Americans. H*ll, in the year 2000 MILLIONS of Americans voted for the man MOST Americans said “they’d rather a beer with”. His name: George W Bush_smh. And despite the fact that that same man_George W. Bush_proved to be this nation’s worst nightmare, as President, the majority of Americans SHOCKED the world by voting Dubya back into office again in 2004. I remember reading the headlines touted by most international online news sites all over the world-wide which read: "What Has Gone Wrong with America? And "Just How Stupid Are Millions of Americans?" It was embarrassing to say the least! So would it surprise me if the visual of Pres. Obama and company having a BEER turns out to be all that was required to squelch any remaining complaints in the “President took sides” drama?Hardly.DJ:“Or will this become Mr. Obama's "Stupid Moment" possibly derailing his political clout and personal agenda?”Anything’s possible_and Yes_short term he’s paying a price. But long-term? The truth is, all things considered, I don’t believe it’ll have much of an effect at all on his clout and agendas. Nevertheless, this is a political learning-lesson, and remiander, for Pres. Obama (who is ONLY human) to always THINK BEFORE HE RESPONDS.

  2. Corrections: I meant to say_"H*ll, in the year 2000 MILLIONS of Americans voted for the man MOST Americans said “they’d rather have a beer with”. His name: George W Bush_smh." And__"Nevertheless, this is a political learning-lesson, and REMINDER, for Pres. Obama (who is ONLY human) to always THINK BEFORE HE RESPONDS."

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