
Obstruction Of Justice Against ‘The Donald?’

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Obstruction of Justice
Is Donald Trump guilty of Obstruction of Justice?

Politics –
Obstruction Of Justice
Against ‘The Donald?’

Congratulations, Donald Trump. You are OFFICIALLY under investigation for obstruction of justice!

Last week, The Washington Post broke the news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is now actively investigating Donald Trump and his possible attempt to obstruct justice in the ongoing Russia collusion probe. Nevermind Trump’s claims that former FBI Director James Comey assured him multiple times that he is not a target of any investigation — that was then and this is now.

“I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt,” Trump angrily tweeted on Friday about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Obstruction of Justice



According to The Post, Robert Mueller wants to know why Trump allegedly asked Comey to ignore any connection between former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Russia, then fired Comey when he didn’t obey.  If Mueller is able to confirm that Trump attempted an obstruction of justice by asking Comey to let the Flynn case go, it could “trump” any collusion with Russia claims and lead to an all but certain end to the Trump presidency.

Mueller has assembled an all-star team of lawyers and investigators, proving that he means business and is employing an all out “follow-the-money” approach to the investigation. They include Lisa Page, a trial attorney in the Justice Department’s organized crime department whose specialty involves international organized crime and money laundering cases; Andrew Weissmann, a seasoned prosecutor who oversaw cases against high-profile organized crime figures on Wall Street in the early 1990s as well as 30 individuals implicated in the Enron fraud scandal; James Quarles, a specialist in campaign-finance research for the former Watergate task force; Michael Dreeben, who is widely considered as “the best criminal appellate lawyer in America”; and Aaron Zebley, a former senior counselor in the DOJ’s National Security Division specializing in cyber security.

Obstruction of Justice
Robert Mueller

The all-star team of investigators are examining if Trump had any financial incentives — including business ties or outstanding debt — to establish a relationship (via Michael Flynn and other Trump campaign operatives) with Moscow. They are said to be considering his tax records, his continued business interests while president, as well as Eric Trump’s 2014 braggadocious claim that the Trump family had secured access to $100 million from Russian lenders to fund their golf courses.

The Washington Post has reported that “Trump and his family members have made numerous trips to Moscow in search of business opportunities” since the 1980s, “and they have relied on Russian investors to buy their properties around the world.” The Trump Organization is also believed to have received loans from Russia when it was struggling in the 1990s. The report also said that the family’s bank of choice has long been Deutsche Bank, which was the only bank willing to loan to Trump after a series of bankruptcies.

If investigators are able to establish a money trail, they may be able to piece together why Donald Trump wanted any queries into Michael Flynn to go away… and (when that didn’t happen) why he wanted James Comey fired… which could then lead to a charge of obstruction of justice.


“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

– Donald Trump to James Comey
February 14, 2017


On Friday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich attempted to aid Trump’s “witch hunt” claims, saying that it’s impossible for a president to obstruct justice.

“Technically, the President of the United States cannot obstruct justice,” Gingrich said at the National Press Club. “The President of the United States is the chief executive officer of the United States. If he wants to fire the FBI director, all he’s got to do is fire him.”

Gingrich added that any investigation of Trump for obstruction of justice in the Russia probe is related to a failed attempt to prove election collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, in what he calls the “Russia Fantasy.”

“Everybody on the left has been walking around town chanting, ‘Watch for the Russian connection, watch for the Russian connection, look for the collusion,'” Gingrich said. “Turns out, even Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the (Senate) intelligence committee, says there is zero evidence of collusion. So now the newest one is, ‘Ah, but there was obstruction of justice over the collusion.'”

Obstruction of Justice

Interestingly, Gingrich’s claims that it’s impossible to go after a sitting president for obstruction of justice is all a theatrical attempt to lend support to Trump. In 1998 and while speaker of the House, Gingrich voted to impeach President Bill Clinton on charges of obstruction of justice and perjury.

Historically, the downfall of Richard Nixon was never due to the actual break-in of the Watergate building, but rather one of his own doing related to the cover-up that followed. Well, that appears to be the fate Donald Trump is rapidly heading toward.

Donald Trump may never be found guilty of colluding with Russia. However, he may very well be found guilty of attempting to cover-up and obstruct the investigation. If so, Trump’s downfall — like Nixon’s — will be of his own doing.




OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Obstruction of justice against Trump?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Well now hold on DJ…..looks like that "alternative facts" virus has struck again…smh. I'm being facetious but seriously are they not the most incompetent, DISHONEST and shameless bunch of yahoos you've ever seen!?! . "Conway repeats lawyer's claim: Trump DIDN'T admit to being under investigation" When President Donald Trump wrote online last week that “I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director,” it was not an admission that he is indeed being investigated, counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway said Monday morning, but instead a Twitter-shortened reaction to media coverage of ongoing probes into his 2016 campaign. Conway’s insistence Monday morning that Trump’s tweet last Friday was not what it seemed followed in the footsteps of the president’s personal attorney, Jay Sekulow, who said Sunday in an array of political talk show appearances that regardless of what he has written online, Trump is not under investigation. The president’s statement… Read more »


And let me just say this about Ole "Newt"……..

The likes of Newt Gingrich (and Paul Ryan) is what passes for being a "serious intellectual" in the Republican party. If Newt is anything, he is, IMO, among the biggest, lying, cynical and hypocritical SCHMUCKS in EITHER party…..and that's saying something when one considers just how many Lying, cynical, and hypocritical SCHMUCKS of "high standing" there are in both parties.

DJ correctly points out Newt's obvious game when it comes to going after a sitting president for obstruction of justice.

Suffice it to say that Ole "Newt" is full of isht. And he knows it.

Mr. BD

Wow that is a powerful list of lawyers they put together. Looks like they are going after a mobster. Maxine Waters been saying all along follow the money. I bet when it comes down to it everything is linked to Trump's money. No wonder he won't show his taxes or tell how much he is worth. I can't wait to watch this unfold.

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