Current Events

Oh No…More Republican Racism

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The Republican Party’s plan to woo minority voters via a “minority outreach program” is not going so well.  In fact, it is a colossal disaster!

Last month, GOP Rep. Don Young of Alaska embarrassed the party by using the term “wetbacks” to describe Mexican farm workers his father once employed. Now, another Republican has stuck his foot in his mouth by spewing yet another racial term, at a time when the GOP would rather they all shut up and just fool everyone into thinking they’ve changed tow the party line.

During a recent county meeting, Saline County, Kansas commissioner Jim Gile was discussing hiring an architect to design repairs for the county’s Road and Bridge Department.  During the discussion, the 68-year-old Gile calmly told his fellow commissioners that he did not want low quality work, but preferred to hire a legitimate architect over having someone “n*gger-rigging it.”  HUH???

As the GOP cringed at yet another party member butchering their pretend minority outreach program, Gile borrowed the same excuse Congressman Young used last month and blamed his “bad choice of words” on having “grown up” around the term.

“I am not a prejudiced person,” Gile said in a forced (by the GOP) apology. “I have built Habitat homes for ‘colored’ people.”  Oh really??

In his further attempts to make it all better, Gile added (the familiar old excuse) that one of his closest friends is black, whom he “regards as a sister.”


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. (pausing a moment to process this)………WHAT?!….LOL!!!

    Look. I know the *Southern strategy* long ago doomed the GOP to become…well…what it's become.

    But GOOD.LORD. Watching this all play out (in full view of THE WORLD no less) is beyond anything I ever imagined…smh.

  2. ..on a somewhat related note….Rand Paul spoke at Howard University yesterday.

    Echoing a popular conservative talking point, Paul repeatedly reminded the audience that Democrats passed Jim Crow laws in the south and that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, as were the first black legislators and the founders of the NAACP.

    “Would everyone know here they were all Republicans?” he said at one point, referring to the NAACP’s founders.

    “Yes!” came the booming response from nearly the entire audience, who appeared offended Paul would even raise the question. [….]

    Full read:

  3. Oh boy. At first I was shocked, then I got mad then I was neither one. This is what their party is all about and they can't fool us into thinking their for minorities all of a sudden. Repubs is the party for old white racists and this guy just proved it. Case closed!

  4. ..and the GOP *HITS* just keep right on coming…..

    My sincerest apology DJ. I didn't know where else to put THIS little gem but I have to share:


    "To me sex is primarily purposed to produce people. Sex that doesn't produce people is deviate. That doesn't mean it's a problem, it just means it's not doing its primary purpose."

    — Montana state Rep. Dave Hagstrom (R), quoted by KXLH-TV, saying he will vote no on decriminalizing gay sex in his state.


    H/T: PW

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