
Old-School Memories From Yesteryear

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Are you into old-school memories? If so, this is for you!

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Interestingly, there are things that old-schoolers recognize that younger generations will never understand. For example, there are adults walking the earth who have never lived life without an iPhone attached to their hands. Or, can’t comprehend how some telephone calls were once long-distance and were charged by the minute (based on how far away the call had to travel).

Old-School Memories
Miss Cleo

Take a walk with us down memory lane and check out some favorites from a time gone by.

Old-School Memories

Teachers could legally paddle misbehaving students

Old-School Memories

Students used manual typewriters for term papers and reports

Old-School Memories
Computers were once black screens with white or green lettering
Old-School Memories
CDs used to come in an oversized cardboard case to prevent theft
Old-School Memories
People used to record their favorite songs off the radio using a boom box with a cassette recorder
Old-School Memories

Driving directions could only be routed by using huge paper maps

Gas stations used to pump your gas, wash your windshield, and even change your oil… for free

Everybody found telephone numbers by using a public phone book or dialing 411

If you needed to make a phone call while out, it was done with coins at a public telephone on the street
Old-School Memories
Usually around midnight, all TV stations would play the National Anthem and then go off the air until morning


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Lol…Now see DJ, did you have to just straight up “out” me like that in front of all your readers!?!

    Yes,I remember everything on your list! 😀


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