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Last week, OK WASSUP! reported on the potential demise of civilization on December 21, 2012.  In light of a renewed interest in this topic, the federal government has responded to any and everyone who believes the end is near.  Their response:  “The world will not end on December 21, 2012, or any other day in 2012.”

Using the site, the feds have posted an interesting article entitled SCARY RUMORS ABOUT THE WORLD ENDING IN 2012 ARE JUST RUMORS. The article debunks any 2012 theories and even includes a video rebuttal from a NASA scientist to deconstruct each and every rumor that the end is near.

According to the government, they have received such an overwhelming amount of heartfelt letters from citizens who are so convinced the world is coming to an end, that it was critical for them to issue an immediate and official response. One woman wrote in to say she intends to kill her kids and herself so that they will escape all suffering during the apocalypse.  Several teens have written to say they will commit suicide before they allow 12/21/12 to steal their lives away. An elderly woman even wrote in asking the government what day she should put her dog to sleep, so that it will not suffer during “The End.”

Global warming, birds falling inexplicably from the sky, floods and hurricanes have all added to the hysteria that perhaps the end could be near.  But the government says “No way!” Still, how can they be so sure?

Only the dawn of December 22nd will tell us the truth!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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