
Omarosa Tapes Trump; Writes Tell-All Book

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An all-out feud is progressing out of control between former White House aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman and Donald Trump — with Manigault-Newman releasing what is affectionately being referred to as ‘The Omarosa Tapes’ as well as her new tell-all book about “The Donald.”

When Omarosa Manigault-Newman was fired from her post as a White House advisor, she did not go quietly. In fact, she shrewdly used some of the ‘dog eat dog’ tactics she learned while a contestant on Trump’s “The Apprentice” television show during her last days as “The Donald’s” flunkie.

In a media blitz for her just-released book “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House,” Omarosa has shockingly revealed that not only did she secretly record White House Chief of Staff John Kelly inside the Situation Room while he was firing her, but she also secretly recorded Donald Trump’s response to her dismissal.  Hence the name: The Omarosa Tapes.

Omarosa Tapes

During the 1st recording, Gen. Kelly is heard telling Omarosa that her firing is “non-negotiable.”  In the 2nd recording, Donald Trump is heard explaining to Omarosa how shocked he was to have heard on the news that she was leaving.

“Omarosa? Omarosa what’s going on? I just saw on the news that you’re thinking about leaving? What happened?” Trump is heard saying on the tape following her December 2017 termination.

“General Kelly came to me and said that you guys wanted me to leave,” Omarosa responds.

“Nobody even told me about it,” Trump replies while reiterating his shock.

“You know they run a big operation, but I didn’t know it. I didn’t know that. Goddamn it. I don’t love you leaving at all.”

According to an obviously scorned Omarosa, these are not the only tapes she’s holding and she says she is fully prepared to release more (including a tape of Trump using the “N” word)!



Let’s take a look at everything that’s wrong with this picture.

1.) The fact that a senior White House employee was able to successfully and secretly record ANY conversation inside the classified and confidential Situation Room and then release ‘The Omarosa Tapes’ to the media is very possibly a huge national security crisis.

2.) The fact that a senior White House employee was able to successfully and secretly record the President of the United States proves:

a) Trump was very clearly using an unsecured phone for it to happen (which he has repeatedly been admonished not to do), and

b) Trump is a buffoon for falling into a trap with a former reality TV contestant. If it were that easy for Omarosa, imagine what a rogue nation could do?

To cover his own ass, Trump immediately called on the non-disclosure agreement he forced all White House employees to sign so they’d never speak poorly of him in public.

“Wacky Omarosa already has a fully signed Non-Disclosure Agreement!” Trump tweeted.

The only problem is, his ordered agreement is being called “unconstitutional” by legal scholars since it involves a government official and is very likely “a violation of the First Amendment”

Apparently realizing that the signed agreements not to blab about his dysfunctional White House aren’t worth the paper they’re written on, Trump has taken to publicly bashing Manigault-Newman for ‘The Omarosa Tapes’ and her cut-throat, no holds barred book.



During her numerous media appearances of late, Omarosa has been quoting text from her book and saying:

  • She now believes the man (Donald Trump) she has been loyal to for 14 years is “a racist, a bigot and a misogynist” and that his biggest personality flaw is a complete lack of empathy for others.
  • She believes that Trump is in “mental decline” and physically unwell.
  • She believes first lady Melania Trump is deeply unhappy and “is counting every minute until (her husband) is out of office and she can divorce him.”

Omarosa TapesIf Omarosa truly believes all of this about Donald Trump, why did she fiercely stick by his side for 14 years (since these behaviors didn’t magically appear the night AFTER she was fired)?  Further, if Donald Trump truly believes Omarosa is “wacky” as well as all the other negative statements he made about her, why did he hire her? And, why has he allowed her to be a member of his inner circle for 14 years?

Additionally, since when does Donald Trump care about what’s “not presidential”???

Inquiring minds want to know!


OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment News:
‘The Omarosa Tapes’ ignite Trump feud.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Kudos DJ. You really laid this whole thing out quite nicely.

    Mannnn! …what a nest of Vipers. Snakes. Each and every one of them, starting with the head snake himself. Trump.

    And mind you that insecure fool is quick to level his racist attacks against Black critics questioning their intelligence -calling Blacks “stupid,” “not smart”…etc. Of course, he’s obviously projecting because, as THIS and countless other examples, clearly show….Donald is NOT a bright guy.

    He’s clever, devious and corrupt. Smart…he AIN’T. And he knows it.

    But it just may be dawning on him – he may have finally met his match(?). Someone just as dark-hearted, if not Moreso, than he is.

    Omarosa Manigault-Newman.

  2. But I want to also add……

    Omarosa is formidable opponent. But she’d better understand…she’s playing a very dangerous game. Not so much because of the threat she poses to Trump. But because of the threat she poses to all those snakes surrounding him.

    Listen to the final clip of the exchange between Omarosa and John Kelly as he’s giving her the boot:

    [ Manigault Newman asking if Trump was “aware of what’s going on” and Kelly interjecting and saying, “This is a non-negotiable discussion.”

    “I don’t want to negotiate,” Manigault Newman replied. “I just, I’ve never talked — had a chance to talk to you, General Kelly, so if this is my departure, I’d like to have at least an opportunity to understand.”

    Kelly responded, “We can, we can talk another time. This has to do with some pretty serious integrity violations. So I’ll let it go at that. So the staff and everyone on the staff works for me, not the President.” ]

    Source: “Omarosa recorded John Kelly firing her” – CNN, Aug. 12, 2018

  3. “So the staff and everyone on the staff works for Me, NOT the President.” -John Kelly

    We know Trump is the “face” of the presidency. But do We really know WHO is actually running the White House, and therefore actually running this country? Is it Trump?..or someone else?

    And does Omarosa really grasp what she’s risking by going up against those snakes?

  4. So she just now realized he’s a racist and incompetent? They both deserve each other.

  5. I just read Trump called Omerosa a dog. Also she has a tape of him calling somebody the N word too and she is turning all her tapes over to Robert Muller. This is about to get interesting. She is using every dirty trick in the book she learned right from Trump.

  6. Like I said…a nest of Vipers. Snakes. All of them.

    “Trump calls Omarosa Manigault Newman ‘that dog’ as she continues publicity tour”

    Trump tweet this morning: :
    “When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!” – WashPost

    “Omarosa claims to have secretly recorded Jared and Ivanka” – Politico

    “Omarosa claims new tape shows Trump campaign staffers discussing racial slur” – Politico

  7. “Manigault, who was a serial contestant on ‘The Apprentice,’ had known Trump for years before he became President. Her realization about Trump’s outlook appears to have emerged at some point during her book deal. That’s not a gradual awakening, it’s a glacial, self-interested one.” – Jelani Cobb, staff writer at the New Yorker.

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