Donald Trump and his stooge Mitch McConnell have a huge problem — former NSA John Bolton.
Just as Mitch and his Republican cronies were preparing to shut down the Trump impeachment trial because (allegedly) there was no “there” there, in came former NSA John Bolton with excerpts from his upcoming book that he was a witness to Trump offering “quid pro quo” to Ukraine, that he was a witness to Trump withholding military aid to Ukraine until they were willing to denounce former vice-president Joe Biden as a political weapon, AND that he’s willing to tell all in the Trump impeachment trial — if only Mitch and his GOP senators would call on him and simply ask him to testify.

The only problem is, they DON’T WANT him to testify. You see, if former NSA John Bolton were to testify and tell all that he knows, it would assuredly be the end of the Trump presidency. The evidence from Bolton against ‘The Donald’ would be so crystal clear that Republicans would no longer be able to coddle Trump in the hopes of saving him. The GOP would lose their gamble to back their orange leader at all cost and Donald Trump would be thrown out of the Oval Office immediately.
Well, guess what? It looks like witness testimony could soon be on the way.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Sen. Mitch McConnell gathered his GOP caucus on Tuesday after the Trump defense team concluded its arguments and privately admitted that he does not have the votes to block Bolton and other witnesses from testifying — which means ‘The Donald’ could soon be in big doo-doo!
Or, in other words, not only does it look like Donald Trump will not get the acquittal he was expecting prior to next week’s State of the Union Address, but his days in The White House could actually be numbered.
Interestingly, several prominent Republicans have already begun to speak out.

Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who is a staunch Trump ally, publicly urged Bolton on Tuesday to tell what he knows about Trump’s efforts to delay military assistance to Ukraine.
“I spoke with John Bolton on January 7th when I heard that he wanted to testify,” Johnson explained. “I said ‘John, if you’ve got something to say, I’d rather have you say it sooner rather than later. We’re calling in a bunch of witnesses, why don’t you come into our committee?’ John at that time said, ‘I’d only respond to a Senate subpoena,’ ” Johnson added.
Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly also went public with his feelings about potential testimony from former NSA John Bolton that Donald Trump is guilty.
“If John Bolton says that in the book, I believe John Bolton,” Kelly surprisingly told a crowd in Sarasota, FL. “John’s an honest guy. He’s a man of integrity and great character, so we’ll see what happens.

“Every single time I was with him … he always gave the president the unvarnished truth,” Kelly said of Bolton.
However, Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri was combative and unaccepting during a Tuesday interview on Fox & Friends.
“My view is this — if the Senate decides to call witnesses later this week . . . we need to hear from Hunter Biden, he is right at the center of this,” Hawley said. “What was he doing in Ukraine? What was he doing with Burisma?”
He then took to Twitter and added: “If the Senate is going to call witnesses, then I will ask to hear from Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden & the whistleblower, at a minimum.”
So, will they or won’t they?
According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, 75% of registered voters now say the Trump trial should hear from relevant witnesses, which is terrible news for Trump.
Stay tuned…
Was hoping you’d do a post on this today DJ. Once again, you did not disappoint.
Okay so let me start with this. I could Not Disagree more with John Kelly’s description of Bolton. On the contrary Bolton is generally, NOT “an honest guy” NOR “a man of integrity and great character.”
John Bolton is a Neocon, war-mongering nutjob. A man of absolute Despicable character. One of the Chief architects of the WMD’s lie to justify America’s UNjust invasion of Iraq. I strongly feel that Bolton (and ALL of his cohorts) should be serving time right now in some God-forsaken, Maximum-security prison for War crimes and Crimes against humanity, with absolutely NO possibility of ever being released.
That said. I wholeheartedly Agree with DJ on this. Bolton is indeed a real “nightmare” for Trump, Mitch and the rest of the Repub senators.
So we shall see what happens.
Well this thing just got real interesting. Because if they put John Bolton on the stand it is all over for Trump. Bolton knows everything and is probably the only person who can lay it all on the line. They could put the Biden son or Santa Claus on the stand but that will not change that Bolton could take Trump down if he talks. Trump has to be a nervous wreck today.
I’m gonna agree with both the senior posters here. John Bolton is a snake in the grass that is true. But if he talks, 45 is done plain and simple. LOL it’s funny though how Bolton was a hero to everybody on the right until just a couple days ago.