Apple has lost it’s new iPhone — AGAIN!
An Apple employee reportedly lost the unreleased new iPhone model at a local restaurant while testing the device under varying conditions. Ironically, this same scenario also happened with Apple’s current iPhone 4 last year.
Apple tracked the smartphone to a home in San Francisco using built-in GPS technology, and called upon the assistance of the San Francisco police department to accompany them to the suspected site. Police Chief Greg Suhr said 4 plainclothes officers accompanied two Apple investigators, who were given permission by the homeowner to search for the iPhone prototype. The officers did not enter the home, according to police, but Apple employees were allowed to conduct the search on their own. The device was never found.
Some tech insiders say they smell a rat, believing with this being the 2nd consecutive loss of an iPhone prototype, Apple is merely conducting a publicity stunt. But officials doubt the possibility, particularly since the police were so closely involved.
Apple has stressed the severity of the loss, acknowledging that if any of their competitors got their hands on an unreleased product, it could be a game changer for the company. No word yet on Apple’s plans to prevent their inventions from being lost in the wild again!