Fox News Hypocrisy: COVID Masks And Roe v Wade

Leave it to Trevor Noah and THE DAILY SHOW to expose blatant Fox News hypocrisy.
Entertainment :
Earlier this week, our friends over at Faux News were cheering the leaked news that the US Supreme Court is preparing to take a hatchet to Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose. In fact, once the news broke, their lead story was about how evangelical former VP Mike Pence was “praying that the conservative Supreme Court justices have the courage of their convictions to overturn Roe v. Wade.”

Yes, Fox believes that a woman DOESN’T have the right to decide what is best for her own body. However, they sang a completely different tune when the issue was about them and involved the need to wear a mask during the COVID pandemic. Oh, the Fox personalities were shouting on-air: “MY BODY, MY CHOICE!” back then.
Watch the hypocritical double standard from Fox in the video below and prepare to be dismayed.
OK WASSUP! covers Entertainment News:
Fox News hypocrisy over masks and a woman’s rights.