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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. HAPPY TGIF!Okay_of the stories that grabbed my attention this week, I'll admit the Pastor "burn a Qu'ran Day" Jones story topped them all.And here's why I opposed the White House’s decision to engage in some kind of dialogue with ANY Nutjob in the first place. Jones and his ilk are, IMO, as much of a threat to this country as fundamentalist Muslims wanting to carry out acts of violence against Us. Elevating Jones or ANY nutjob (and would-be terrorist) to the world stage from which he can broadcast his madness in REAL time is incredibly stupid and dangerous! In hindsight, I think Gen Petraeus should have expressed his legitimate concerns Privately with the White House and Secretary Gates. By expressing his concerns publicly the Gen. elevated Jones, to the world stage. Look: It’s not as if this is the first time a christianist nutjob threatened to burn the Qu’ran. Phelps actually held a "burn a Qu’ran Day" back in 2006. The difference: Phelps got NO attention and the “blowback” from the Muslim world was more or less, non-existent. And yes, now Phelps is pissed that Jones is getting so much attention and so naturally Phelps plans to do it AGAIN on 9/11. These are christianist NUTJOBS who are hankering for an apocalyptic-size “War of Religions” just a much as radical Muslims! Just listen to the MAIN message of the two fundamentalist tribes. They spew virtually the SAME dangerous venom of Hate, Ignorance and bigotry.My final thoughts:Trying to negotiate any kind of understanding with one nutjob OPENS the door to more nutjobs. Pray tell, is the White House going to engage in discussions with Every christianist nutjob that threatens to do something…well….CRAZY???sadly, what we now have, essentially, is a christianist nutjob who's got the White House, the Pentagon, the American media (in particular) and this entire country by the balls while HE decides whether or not to follow through with a reprehensible act that is certain to cause this nation and Our soldiers a great deal of more harm. We really couldn't make this stuff up!

  2. I think I am going to call the pastor (you know the attention monger who plans to burn the Quran one day and suspend the promise another day only to reinstate that plan the next day) who gave out two phone numbers at a press conference today which is right on time because I have a few words for these CHRISTIANS down there in FLAWrida oops sorry Florida.

  3. Yeah your right Truth about the pastor story being the biggest of this week.But what I don't understand is how did burning the Quran get attached to the mosque in New York? This guy said he was gonna cancel the burning so he could protect the military in the middle east. Then all of a sudden he's not canceling because he wants the mosque moved?The commentator on CNN David (can't remember his last name) said it the best. This pastor is a coo coo and only out for attention and its time we stop giving it to him.

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