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Well…let's just say ONE event in particular has been a "real" eye-Opener for me this week. And it seems I'm far from being alone in digesting what "it" actually means.Ta-Nehisi Coates: “Andrew Jackson's America” Excerpt: […] Daniel Walker Howe on Old Hickory: The Cherokee's evoked much sympathy because they basically played by all the rules as laid out by the lately Americans. They were farmers. They sent their kids to school. They had a written language, and a published newspaper. They sided with Andrew Jackson against the Creeks. They converted to Christianity. They intermarried with whites. They practiced slavery (Around 8 percent of them were slave-owners.) They even sided with Andrew Jackson in his war against the Creek. If you were looking for a group who was quickly assimilating into this new, insurgent America, the Cherokee were the "model minority" of their day. But it didn't matter. White farmers in Georgia did not want to assimilate the Cherokee, they wanted to rob them. In due course, they extended the reach of Georgia law over Cherokee lands. Here is what that meant: Submission to the laws of Georgia for a Creek or Cherokee meant not being able to vote, sue, own property, testify against a white person, or obtain credit. What stands out about this bigotry is that it was not merely the result of the diabolical machinations of the planter class, or the devilish handiwork of politicians, but of the desires of the common man. Jackson's was elected, and while his piracy may well have magnified the bigotry of those who elected him, it also, very much, reflected it. This is a bad time to be reading about Andrew Jackson and the Cherokee. I have taken this fight over the Cordoba House harder, perhaps, than I should. I agree that it will ultimately be built, and that, in the most immediate sense, this will all blow over. But also, I am left thinking on Radley Balko's post about how successfully America has integrated its Muslim population, and how little that success has comforted the critics of Cordoba House. The fact of the thing is bizarre: A charlatan, who once seriously claimed that Barack Obama was the son of Malcolm X, has set in motion events which have infected the highest reaches of "The World's Greatest Deliberative Body." But this formulation gives the charlatan to much credit–the scheme works because it feeds on already prevailing sense held by significant minority of Americans. These Americans are not being swindled. They are not being led astray. They are not being distracted from "important issues" or divided from their "real interest." This is their "important issue." This is their "real interest." The prospect of Muslims assimilating will not subdue them, to the contrary, the last thing they want is their kid competing with yours. Their hypocrisy is stunning: These are the ghosts who burned black Wall Street, who pilfered the "Five Civilized Tribes," who recoil at gays attempting to build family. And so on. They claim to fear the immigrant clinging to his language. No. What they fear is the immigrant learning theirs. Much like Barack Obama scares them more than any New Black Panther, Cordoba House is more terrifying than any iteration of radical jihad. In Obama's case, it shows how well blacks know American, how essential we are to the thing. In the case of Muslims, it shows how well they have caught on.Full Post: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/…
Muslim-Americans AND Hispanic-Americans have got to be a bit shell-shocked because you see_it is mostly white "Christians" yelling "WE DON'T KNOW YOU. WE DON'T TRUST YOU. GET.THE.HELL.OUT"! I must admit. As a Black-American, I find this all to be Very sad but also very interesting. Ghandi is reported to have said: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
Wow Truthiz you covered some really interesting subjects today. I didn't know about the Cherokee situation in that way. But I'm also sick over how this whole Muslim situation is going down in America. We're just fanning the flames for a race war. Not looking good.
@BD- I didn't know about the Cherokee situation either. But reading Ta-Nehisi's post provided yet another reason why I'm so grateful to be living in a time when information technology allows for factual information, thoughts and opinions to be shared with…well the entire World in a nano second!The internet/World-wide web is an incredible global highway that can take Us whereever We want to go. I frequent sites like OK WASSUP, The Daily Dish/The Atlantic, Little Green Footballs et al that provide what I call "forums for Grown-ups who actually THINK." People don't always agree but "the Norm" is they're incredibly thoughtful AND CIVIL in their exchanges. And make no mistake about it. There are dark forces at work (aided in no small measure by the media) who do NOT want that kind of behavior to catch on on a larger scale. The ignorant and MISinformed are easier to control_or so they (the power-elites) still believe_smh. They're so blindly arrogant and so STUPID they don't realize they've set in motion the very UNdoing of this nation. They now actually "control" NOTHING; "Christianists" and Other lunatic groups do!