Current Events
This is your chance to “sound-off” on the current events of the day that matter to YOU. Everything from politics, entertainment, sports, or whatever you wish to discuss is allowed. Talk about President Obama. Talk about the latest technology. Talk about the weather. Talk about whatever YOU like.
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So get ready to SOUND-OFF:
Hey DJ real nice changes to the site. It's me Frisco. I haven't been around to post in a while but I looked today to see if you covered the Don't Ask Don't Tell situation. I wanted to tell everybody there's a dangerous time coming up. Republicans want to keep the gay ban on the milatary and cancel the health care bill passed this year. We have got to go to the polls and vote this November. We can't let them get back control and turn back the clock on everything. Pass the word.
Hey DJ real nice changes to the site. It's me Frisco. I haven't been around to post in a while but I looked today to see if you covered the Don't Ask Don't Tell situation. I wanted to tell everybody there's a dangerous time coming up. Republicans want to keep the gay ban on the milatary and cancel the health care bill passed this year. We have got to go to the polls and vote this November. We can't let them get back control and turn back the clock on everything. Pass the word.
I wanted to post this too.http://www.youtube.com/v/n5JsXrOmmR8" type=&…
<span><span>THIS story is pretty much ALL I've been following since it broke earlier this week. </span><span> </span><span>Black America News: Sexual Coercion Lawsuit Filed Against Bishop Eddie Long</span><span></span><span>[…]</span><span>Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably know about the <a href="http://www.bvblackspin.com/tag/bishop+eddie+long/" rel="nofollow"><span>sexual coercion lawsuit being filed against Bishop Eddie Long</span>, a highly respected pastor in Atlanta. Bishop Long is the head of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and also runs the Long-Fellows mentoring program, structured to mentor boys from ages 13 to 18. </span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>His accusers say that Bishop Long used the bible to justify their sexual activity. However, there are others who say that the program helped them to significantly improve their lives. One of the graduates, Marcus Hughes, says that Long was a "spiritual father." Hughes is now the director of the program. He did not, however, comment on the case when contacted by the media. Read: Black Voices</span></span>
Today I'm making a Plea to PARENTS, family members, friends, community leaders, AMERICA:PLEASE let the children know that THEY.ARE.LOVED….and that they are loved JUST.THE WAY.THEY.ARE.Then WE must do ALL that we can to PROTECT THEM!Like many others, I was devastated hearing Jamal Parris's interview on FOX 5 News Atlanta.But 3 MORE heart-breaking stories have also torn at my heart this week:18 y/o Rutgers University student, Tyler Clementi, jumped from a bridge, ending his life after being OUTED on the internet by his roomate and a female accomplice. In short: They secretly taped Tyler with a webcam as he and he mate were sharing intimate and PRIVATE evening together.This tragic event comes on the heels of 2 other young boys were driven to commit suicide after having endured relentless Homophobic bullying. Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover AND Jaheem Herrera, both 11 y/o are gone today because their constant CRIES FOR HELP fell on DEAF ears_SMH.SEXUAL ABUSE and HOMOPHOBIC BULLYING are KILLING Our kids and IT.HAS.GOT.TO.STOP.Peace.
Another week, another ANTI-bullying message from me because the issue is just too serious to let it go! Kids and young people will continue to kill themselves UNLESS concerted and CONTINUOUS efforts are made to First: identify the REAL culprit in order to_Second: effectively address the ROOT of the problem. IMO, the tendency to easily HATE in American a symptom of a deadly disease I call: the 3Ps syndrome. PARENTS. PREACHERS. and POLITICIANS.We are NOT born into this world with Hate in our hearts. Hate is a LEARNED pattern of thought, feeling and behaviior passed on to us by the greatest influences in Our lives beginning with:1. OUR PARENTS. What goes on one's home is reflected in one's children. 2. The church where Homo-bigotry/ Hatred is the PREACHER's "word" on any given day of the week and definitely on Sundays! And just to put the toxic icing on the cake3. We now live in a nation where POLITICIANS proudly wear their Hatemongering views on their sleeves as a badge of honor, as they pit Us (Americans) against one another. It's cynical and extremely dangerous GAME and sadly, it works! 4. And let's just throw in PEER-pressure for good (or bad) measure. It's influences ARE just as Real and just as potentially destructive.The truth is, for far too many people, "Life" in America means: Hate towards (and INTOLERANCE of) "Others" is as American as Apple pie.
Lol. DJ, I promise I'm NOT trying to hog this thread. I even waited until today (Saturday) to post 🙂 !Okay so….First: CONGRATS to the Texas Rangers on their American League Championship playoff win (6-1) over the New York Yankees, securing their FIRST trip to the World Seris in franchise history.Funny how prior the start of the playoffs most of sports media were slobbering all over themselves predicting the Yankees inevitable defeat of the Rangers…much in the same way most of sports media had predicted Lebron's certain return to the Cavaliers this year. H*ll, in both cases, even I knew early on that the predictions were WRONG_smh. Which brings me to the 2nd story I'd like to comment on: The upcoming Midterms electionsFor most of THIS YEAR political pund-IDIOTS, disingenuous hacks and their pollster friends have been predicting the inevitable GOP "tsunami" certain to wipe out the Dems majority in one_if not_both Houses, in Nov. Voter anger and Tea-Party candidates that voters can't wait to send to Washington to straighten things out makes it a given (rolling my eyes). Will the Dems lose some seats in the midterm elections? Yes. and deservedly so. But, given ALL the declarations, proclamations and just plain old BS that "We The People" have had to suffer this election year, ANYTHING LESS than a Republican "tsunami" will be an epic FAIL on the part of political media (yet again) and their pollster pals, in particular, Gallup and Charlie Cook. HAPPY TGI…S 🙂 !
LOL Please never feel as if you are "hijacking" any thread, particularly this one. This is an OPEN forum and you are free to express yourself as much as and as often as you'd like.Now I go back to mourning the Yankees loss. :'(
Whelp, 3 stories that caught my eye this week include: 1. Cong. Charlie Rangel was found Guilty of 11 counts of corruption charges on Nov. 16. "House ethics committee on Thursday recommended censure for Cong. Rangel. Censure is the most serious congressional discipline short of expulsion. The House, which could change the recommended discipline by making it more serious or less serious, probably will consider Rangel's case after Thanksgiving" Pity…smh. These lifetime politicians just really don't know when it's time to go. 2nd. Lieberman on DADT: We Have 60 Votes (Fri. Nov. 18, 2010) “I am confident that we have more than 60 votes prepared to take up the defense authorization with the repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ if only there will be a guarantee of a fair and open amendment process, in other words, whether we’ll take enough time to do it,” Uh-huh. How bout just get it done already…the sooner the better. And 3rd: A lotta buzz going around about Sarah Palin's expected run for the Presidency in 2012. Now I can't believe i'm about to say this…but Truth being stranger than fiction in American politics these days: If she wants the Republican nomination, I think it's her's.There doesn't appear to be ONE man in the GOP with the gonads to take her on, fearing a backlash from her supporters_aka the GOP base_and tons of manufactured outrage from Rush. Happy TGIF!
I am a proud lifelong Republican. But I'm a bit disappointed in my party for backing out of meeting the president yesterday during the so called Slurpee Summit. Mr. Obama made a kind gesture in extending an invitation for the new leadership to meet with him at the White House. Sadly, it was incredibly rude of them to cancel at the last minute and not show up. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I believe if the President of the United States asks you to the White House, you go no matter what. Unfortunately, I believe that rudeness only makes our party look more partisan and uncooperative.DJ, how about a few more Republican stories? Something about Michael Steele or who may succeed him would be nice.
The story that got me this week was when James Carville said Barack Obama needs to grow 2 balls and if he can't then Hillary can give him one of hers. LOL now that was ballsy. And it just shows theirs still bad feelings between Hillary's people and Obamas people. Will they ever get over the fact they lost?Hey beth, good to see you here. We need to see more of you. Make some Republican stories DJ so she can come around more. 😉
I hate to disagree with you Truth, but theres no way the Repubs are gonna let Sarah Palin be the nominee. Obama beats her by double digits in every poll. Plus a lot of Republicans are mad at Sarah because they think if she didn't back Odonnel in Deleware and Angle in Nevada then the Repubs would control the Senate. They have to respect her because a lot of nut jobs out there happen to like her. But no way they turn their party over to her.
A few stories that caught my attention this week include:1. Charlie Rangel became "the first U.S. House member in 27 years to be censured" after a trial that resulted in him being found guilty on 11 counts of ehtics violations. Um….some of these politicians really do NOT know when it's time to just call it quits…smh.2. Mike Vick's continued run of success, both on AND off the football field. He really does seem to be making the most of his 2nd chance. I wish him the best!3. Lebron James returned to Cleveland last night via the Miami Heat and apparently, for the most part, he handled the entire situation pretty well. Hopefully he'll grow from past mistakes and get on with his life in amore positive way. Maybe he and Vick should have a chat 🙂 HAPPY TGIF ALL!
not a good game at all cleveland was a bust. fans booed for like a hour then got tired. then clevelands bench was all chummy with lebrussy. no fire and totally unheard of. should have their arse whooped for that. i got bored and turned at the half