Comments on: OPRAH’S BIG INTERVIEW News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 12 Mar 2012 13:48:30 +0000 "Was Oprah providing the family with an outlet to express their grief and clear up many of the erroneous rumors regarding the pop star's death? Or was Oprah merely capitalizing on a family's pain and failure to think clearly only 1 month after the death of their loved one?"I think Oprah did both. But from what I saw (I actually bounced back and forth between Oprah snd ESPN's "The Announcement" – the Magic Johnson HIV story) there wasn't a whole lot brought out in the Oprah interview that I hadn't already heard, or read, about before. A sidenote:A few media folk are trying to make big deal out of the fact that Bobbi-Kristina said she can feel her mother's spirit roaming about in the house and can hear her mother's voice. Regardless of what  anyone may believe when it comes to the issue of Spirits and Spirituality, Bobbi-Kristina lost her mother LESS less than 2 months ago. She's only 19. She's still in the early stages of grief and trying to cope with that devestating loss in her own way.

By: BD Mon, 12 Mar 2012 12:52:42 +0000 I watched that interview last night and it did come off kinda soon. Oprah seem like she was in it for the ratings. Border line bad taste.
