
Oranges Should Be Looked At, Says Trump

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According to Donald Trump, the media should look into the ‘Oranges’ of the Mueller investigation.  HUH???

By now, most of the world knows that ‘The Donald’ is functioning with the mind of a 3rd grader.  However, even that can’t excuse why Donald Trump mixed up the word ORIGINS (multiple times) with a fruit when he attempted to strong-arm those he regularly refers to as the “fake news” media into investigating how the Mueller probe began.

Oranges Trump

If you’re allergic to ignorance, avoid the video below at all costs.  However, if you’re up for a good laugh at Trump’s expense, check out the gaffe that looks more like outtakes from a “Bloopers” TV show rather than the so-called leader of the free world speaking from the Oval Office.

Oh, how can someone be as dumb as a box of rocks!

We’ve grown accustomed, now, to watching the President of the United States say things that don’t make any sense, or don’t add up, or are comically false, or are insidiously false, or are quite literally incomprehensible. It happens all the time. It happens pretty much every day. After all, the Washington Post assessed this week that Donald Trump, American president, has said something false in public 22 times a day over the last 200 days. The question is most often whether he knows what’s true and says something else—a lie—or whether he genuinely has any grasp on what’s real in the first place. – Esquire Magazine




OK WASSUP! covers Entertainment News:
Trump wants ‘ORANGES’ of Mueller report investigated.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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