Comments on: Oregon Shooting Is The ‘New Normal’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 06 Oct 2015 15:10:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Fri, 02 Oct 2015 15:28:16 +0000 To see another shooting like this is really sad. But what's even more sadder is I don't think anything will be done about it. Like Obama said the guns people are going to say the way to fight against these type of deaths is to get more guns. They believe in the old wild wild west and want a shoot out and everybody defending themselves. That's not the answer. But if they didn't do anything after all those school kids were killed in Sandy Hook then they're not going to do anything now. RIP to all the people who were killed.

By: truthiz Fri, 02 Oct 2015 12:45:15 +0000 MSN News: Deaths from gun violence vs. deaths from terrorism

In his impassioned address in the wake of Thursday's horrible shooting at an Oregon community college, President Obama issued a challenge to the media. "Have news organizations tally up the number of Americans who've been killed through terrorist attacks in the last decade and the number of Americans who've been killed by gun violence, and post those side-by-side on your news reports," he asked.

American citizens killed in terrorist attacks versus firearm homicide deaths in the United States:

Over ten thousand Americans are killed every year by gun violence. By contrast, so few Americans have been killed by terrorist attacks since 9/11 that, when you chart the two together, the terrorism death count approximates zero for every year except 2001.

The point Obama is making is clear: we spend huge amounts of money every year fighting terrorism, yet are unwilling, at the national level, to take even minor steps (like requiring background checks on all gun sales nationally) to stop gun violence.

"We spent over a trillion dollars, and passed countless laws, and devote entire agencies to preventing terrorist attacks on our soil, and rightfully so" Obama said. "And yet we have a Congress that explicitly blocks us from even collecting data on how we could potentially reduce gun deaths. How can that be?" […]

By: truthiz Fri, 02 Oct 2015 12:34:35 +0000 Today i will refrain from going off on the so-called "Christian right."

Instead I will say….given ALL that we have witnessed of that group over the years, I highly doubt the majority of them will break with the NRA, even in the face of YET another mass shooting in a predominantly White community.

And let me be clear…because this never-ending nightmare continues to sicken me to the depth of my being.

It is one thing for the majority of White America to NOT give d*mn about the deadly gun violence within so many inner-city communties of Color – the wholesale slaughter of innocent (predominantly) Black men, women and children, gunned down by Black sociopaths who terrorize those communities daily.

But the sad truth is (and to my utter dismay) the majority of White Americans, it seems, do NOT even care about protecting their OWN lives..or the lives of THEIR own innocent children…and their OWN communities. And WE all know that NOTHING changes for the GOOD of this country UNLESS the majority of WHITE Americans demand it!!!

Meanwhile, who the H*LL needs ISIS…or any other radical Muslim terrorist group for that matter….to destroy Us!?! *rolling my eyes*

PuLeeeeze! We are a nation of over 300 MILLION guns (inclduing high-powered mass assault rifles). At the rate we're going, WE will take Ourselves out.

As the WORLD looks on……..smh (in total shame and disgust).
