
O’Rourke Out; Castro Counting The Days; Biden Beaming

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Former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke called it a contest over the weekend and dropped out of the 2020 Democratic presidential race.  With fellow Texan Julian Castro only days away from doing the same, the Democratic landscape appears to be taking on a look and feel some never expected or even wanted.

“We have to clearly see, at this point, that we did not have the means to pursue this campaign successfully and that my service will not be as a candidate, nor as a nominee of this party for the presidency,” the 47-year-old O’Rourke said in an acknowledgment that his presidential operation never ignited the same spark as his near-miss US Senate race against Sen. Ted Cruz.

O'Rourke Quits
Beto O’Rourke

O’Rourke added that although he made the decision “reluctantly,” he vowed to stay active in the fight to defeat President Donald Trump.

“I will be part of this and so will you,” he said.

The failure of the “Beto” presidential candidacy appears to be the precursor to the imminent collapse of the Julian Castro for president operation.

Castro, the former San Antonio Mayor and Obama administration HUD Secretary has struggled for months to raise money or garner attention among the large field of Democratic candidates.  His ill-advised personal attack during a recent debate against his friend and Obama-era colleague, Joe Biden, seemed to nearly seal his fate.  However, a new report that his campaign staffers are currently racing for the door and seeking jobs within other campaigns appears to be the final nail in the Castro candidacy coffin.

Don’t be surprised if Castro follows O’Rourke and drops out of the race as early as this week.


With the loss of Beto O’Rourke from this weekend and the impending loss of Julian Castro coming any day now, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and the others are now on the clock.

O'Rourke Quits
Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders

Or in other words, the 2020 Democratic race appears to be down to the candidacies of Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders — 2 white men, 1 white woman, all over the age of 70.

With the 2020 presidential election now 1 year away, does Joe, Liz, or Bernie have what it takes to truly prevent Donald Trump from returning to the Oval Office in 2021?  Is yet another caucasian president what America needs at this point in the 21st Century?  Does a 70+-year-old candidate have what it takes (not to mention the stamina) to represent the interests of a new Democratic generation?  Or, could it be that Joe, Liz, or Bernie is the exact kryptonite Democrats need to cleanse America of the national nightmare known as Donald J. Trump?



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OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Beto O’Rourke quits race; Julian Castro soon to follow.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Good Morning DJ,

    Well you’ve given it to Us straight up no chaser and your points are Spot. On. Especially……

    “…..the 2020 Democratic race appears to be down to the candidacies of Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders — 2 white men, 1 white woman, all over the age of 70.”

    (Sigh!) Pretty. Darn. Sad. if you ask me.

    “Is yet another caucasian president what America needs at this point in the 21st Century?”

    Nope. But that’s exactly what we’re limited to for the 2020 election. Btw- I took your poll. I voted for “Other.”

    Michelle Obama

    1. Michelle can definitely beat Trump. But she does not want to be president. That is not her thing. She is like Oprah right now where everybody just likes her. I bet she does not want to ruin that.

      1. I know BD. Just wishful thinking on my part. And the truth is, I don’t blame her at all for Not wanting anything to do with running for president.

        She endured 8 yrs of having to witness her husband – a genuinely good man – be totally disrespected and literally treated as a subhuman by vile and vicious creatures not worthy to carry her husband’s worn out shoes. To say nothing of the constant stress and anxiety she and Pres. Obama must have felt Everyday with the constant threat of death hanging over the entire family. And all because of the Color of his/their skin.

        So yeah. I do underhand.

  2. So let me expound on my response a little…..

    Early on, candidates like Beto and Kamala and Julian were chosen – AND Strongly Encouraged to run-by MSNBC in particular and CNN to a slightly lesser degree. Regular readers may recall that I watch very little American cable news anymore and it’s because that industry, IMO, hast lost its way. I feel that industry did more to propel Trump to the highest office In The World than any other entity. And then CNN and MSNBC had the audacity to be ‘SHOCKED” that such a thing (Trump won) could happen!?!

    Almost intermediately they started babbling on and on about who would be “a good candidate” to take on Trump in 2020. Among the names at the top of THEIR lists:

    *Beto- “he’s got that Kennedy look doesn’t he.” *Kamala: “she’s like the female Obama isn’t she.” And of course you gotta have an Hispanic (rolling my eyes). *Julian. Yeah. Julian Castro. Now that’s the ticket! /sarc

    When the truth is, from day one, None of those people had a snowballs’ chance in H*ll of actually winning.

  3. Conclusion……….

    Recently, Pete Buttigieg has gotten a little bounce. And honestly, I think if Pete was not Gay (and married to man) he’d probably be the most serious threat to Biden winning the nomination.

    This past Saturday, I had an opportunity to talk with a group of young adult Black males and females (all in their 20s) and was pleasantly surprised to hear nearly all of them say they’d have NO problem voting for Pete in a heartbeat. He’s young, smart and they like him. But, in almost the same breath, those young adults quickly stated that for most of their parents and grandparents, Pete being gay IS a problem. Simply put, the older kinfolks would be less enthused to vote for him. But I digress.

    [Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and the others are now on the clock.] -DJ

    Yep. And the clock is telling them it’s about time to Go. Home.

  4. I already know Biden is not the guy I would pick in regular times. But he is the best one they have available to go up against Trump right now. That’s just what it is. I just saw a poll this morning and Biden led Trump in almost all the battleground states. Warren and Sanders were trailing. We might have to hold our nose and get behind joe.

  5. (CNN)With a year to go before the 2020 general election and months before voters cast their ballots in early primary states, a CNN Poll of Polls of the Democratic primary race finds former Vice President Joe Biden leading with 28% support, followed by 23% for Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and 17% for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

    All polls in the aggregate were conducted between October 17 and 30 by non-partisan, live telephone, national pollsters among registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent voters or registered voters who say they will vote in their state’s primary or caucus.

    South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg receives 8% support, followed by California Sen. Kamala Harris with 4%, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar with 3%, and businessman Andrew Yang, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, and Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard with 2% each.

    The Poll of Polls was conducted entirely after the fourth Democratic primary debate and finds the national race still in favor of Biden, despite some early state polls showing a closer three-way competition.

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