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Remember Meredith Baxter, who played Michael J. Fox’s mother on the hit ’80’s sitcom FAMILY TIES?  Well, the former TV star has come out of the closet to admit she is a lesbian.
Her revelation was made in an interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s Today Show Wednesday. The 62 year old actress has been living her life as a lesbian for seven years and confirmed to Matt that she’s been in a serious relationship for four years with contractor Nancy Locke.  But it was only after becoming involved with another woman that Baxter realized why her three marriages to men didn’t work out.

“I got involved with someone I never expected to get involved with and it was that kind of awakening and I never fought it because it was like, ‘Oh! I understand why I had the issues I had early in my life,'” Baxter said. “I had a great deal of difficulty connecting with men in relationships… Sometimes, I assumed I was a bad picker, which I was indeed, but I also was involved with people who made me think, ‘Oh, they’re the problem,’ because there were problems with the people I chose. It never occurred to me to think, ‘Oh, it’s me.'”


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. MB:"Oh, they're the problem,' because there were problems with the people I chose. It never occurred to me to think, 'Oh, it's me."Well now THAT'S funny because_ummm_I pretty much "read" her going back to the MJ show 🙂

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