Comments on: OVEREXPOSED? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Tue, 28 Jul 2009 21:33:04 +0000 the press is oh so fickle. Bush was not enough. now Obama is too much! make up your friggin mind.

By: Truthiz Tue, 28 Jul 2009 18:16:06 +0000 DJ:But in an interesting turn of events, the media is now starting to whisper they're beginning to hear and see far too much of Barack Obama. Interesting!"Media Matters Summary:“In covering President Obama's promotion of health care reform and his July 22 press conference, several media figures have suggested that Obama has "overexposed" himself by holding too many press conferences and granting too many interviews.”LOL! I’m with you DJ. I also find this “media” driven swipe at Obama very “interesting”!Mind you, most of mainstream & cable “news” media had rendered itself, as an industry, all but completely IRRELEVANT to the majority of Americans who DON’T watch television “news” anymore. And I suspect, most Americans are like me_thoroughly fed-up with being PLAYED by the American infotainment “news” media. IMO, about 50% of what’s reported as "news" these days is nothing more than media created DRAMA; about 45% is out and out LIES and exaggerations _which means about 5% is actual substantive news! A pretty sad commentary_smh.What Obama is doing is CHANGING the nature of HOW the media “game” is played. Obama writes his own narrative and he refuses to relinquish his narrative/agenda to the dictates of the media (liberal OR conservative) and umm_the media doesn't like it. Po fellas…lol. Whenever the media tries to dictate Obama’s storyline (particularly on critical issues like the stimulus and healthcare) Obama takes control right back by calling for a Press Conference and/or a Townhall meeting. Is he risking “over-exposure”? Time will tell.In the meantime, I'll trust his judgment on this matter.
