Palin Jumps On Trump’s Bandwagon
Sarah Palin backs Donald Trump
Politics –
Palin Jumps On Trump’s Bandwagon
Look out Republican presidential candidates — Donald Trump just bagged a GOP “heavy hitter.” Sarah Palin has endorsed Trump for president.
Sarah Palin, the wacky former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee who became a Tea Party favorite put a ring on it, by officially jumping on the Trump bandwagon and making Donald Trump her man…for president.
“Are you ready for the leader to make America great again?” she asked the crowd as Trump stood smiling uncomfortably by her side during the Iowa rally. “Are you ready to stump for Trump? I’m here to support the next president of the United States — Donald Trump.”
While giving her endorsement, Palin launched into a litany of red meat issues that conservatives love to devour. She also scolded mainstream Republicans as sellouts while praising Trump for shaking up the party. “He’s been going rogue left and right,” she said while using one of her signature phrases. “That’s why he’s doing so well. He’s been able to tear the veil off this idea of the system,” she said while seeming somewhat intoxicated.
Interestingly, her support is the highest-profile backing for any Republican candidate so far. It also comes at just the right time, by providing Trump with a significant boost less than 2 weeks before the Iowa caucuses. However, it is not the end all.
Sarah Palin’s endorsement provides an obvious short-term bump, since she plays to Trump’s already existing base. However, her endorsement makes little to no impact on Trump’s long-term prospects, since her own negatives don’t necessarily bring new converts into the Trump fold. At least she’s invigorating the crazies of the party.
“Over the years Palin has actually cultivated a number of relationships in Iowa,” said Craig Robinson, the former political director of the Republican Party of Iowa and publisher of the website The Iowa Republican. “There are the Tea Party activists who still think she’s great and a breath of fresh air, but she also did a good job of courting Republican donors in the state,” he added.
“Palin’s brand among evangelicals is as gold as the faucets in Trump Tower,” said Ralph Reed, the chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition.
“The Donald’s” campaign is already a 3-ring-circus. Adding Sarah as the star clown just takes the campaign to a whole new level — and not in a good way.
Like Trump, Palin is also a reality television star accustomed to playing to the cameras and emphasizing flash over substance. So, her addition to the campaign is an effort by Trump to double-down on his ability to continue seizing wall-to-wall cable-news coverage — especially when it comes at the expense of fellow GOP candidate Ted Cruz.
Cruz is currently in 2nd place for the nomination behind Trump and appears to be his only genuine threat. By locking down Palin’s endorsement and making Donald and Sarah the talk of the media, Trump may very well be able to knock Cruz out of the news cycle.
So far, Ted Cruz is playing it cool, despite the fact that Palin was once fully in his corner.
“I love Sarah Palin,” Cruz told reporters in New Hampshire. “Sarah Palin is fantastic. Without her friendship and support, I wouldn’t be in the Senate today. So regardless of what Sarah decides to do in 2016, I will always remain a big, big fan of Sarah Palin.”
The merging of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump is perhaps the most frightening horror film ever. However, it also seems to make perfect sense, given that they are both the reigning King and Queen clown of politics.
Who knows… a Palin endorsement today could evolve into a Trump-Palin ticket tomorrow.
God save America!
Look out Republican presidential candidates — Donald Trump just bagged a GOP “heavy hitter.” Sarah Palin has endorsed Trump for president. [..]
Yep. And all H*LL has broken out on the right as a result of it!
Thanks for this post DJ…was kinda hoping you'd jump on this story…lol.
If I may? Just a word about Repub *elites* (like Ralph Reed and his ilk) and cable news media hacks (on CNN and MSNBC).
They have NOT the slightest clue as to what *appeals* to the rank-and file Repub base voters. No clue at all (SEE Trump's rise to power).
Whenever I want to know what is really happening among many right-wing voters, I go to a few popular right-wing hang-out spots (socio-political blogs).
Re: this endorsement – here's what I learned:
Prior to Palin's official announcement, word had leaked of the possibility that the endorsement was imminent. I checked out 3 popular right-wing blogs expecting to see most commenters jumping for joy. WRONG.
Yes. Trump supporters were delighted. BUT (to my suprise) Trump supporters were outnumbered nearly 4-1 by commenters who totally rejected such a notion. Hard-core right wingers including die-hard Palin supporters expressed how outraged they would feel at such a *betrayal* of conservative principles and values IF the rumors turned out to be true.
Following the Announcement: :
Disappointment has quickly grown into "righteous" Anger.
Trump may still be the Repub "frontrunner" but make no mistake about it- he and Palin are getting hit from different corners on the right. Btw- I'm beginning to have some real doubts about just how strong the support for Trump is in Iowa(?)
Fortunately, time is winding down. We will soon know.
H/T: Hotair:
HA Reader:
Most of today’s conservatives are nothing but talk and their talk is nothing but Lies. CINOs. […]
HA reader:
Just check out her facebook page. Palin is getting hammered by long time supporters. It’s brutal and exactly what Ted Cruz predicted would happen to her. […]
HA reader:
The Trumpmania phenomenon is supported by “Burn it down!” anarchists. They don’t consider what will happen after the establishment is toppled, and they don’t care. Just like toppling Saddam, Mubarak, and Gaddafi only made things worse. I already hate this election. […]
Susan Wright: "Go Home, Sarah. You’re Drunk."
[Last night] we saw someone who was once a rising star in the conservative world explode in an inglorious display of crass opportunism.
Sarah Palin, that darling of a failed John McCain presidential bid, has resurfaced to throw her voice and her support behind the gilded toad of the GOP, Donald Trump. Where she was once a strong Tea Party leader, promoting free market ideas, limited government, and power back in the hands of the people, today she forsook it all, in favor of a big government, foul mouthed, Wall Street liberal with atrocious hair.
…sadly, the mask of the Sarah Palin so many of us were drawn in by has slipped. Rather than a warrior for conservative principle, we now see the oh-so shallow pool of her conservatism. She could have endorsed literally ANYBODY else running, but she threw her full-throated support behind a man who has said he identifies as a Democrat, has backed single payer healthcare, eminent domain, abortion, and a progressive tax on the wealthy. He has attacked real conservatives, shows a glaring lack of knowledge on most every important issue facing our nation, and covers it all with a gross layer of incivility and arrogance towards any who question him or hold him to task. He is all these things and will be the death of the GOP, or any chance of growing conservatism in this nation, again, if he is not stopped.
Make no mistake. Palin isn’t alone in this betrayal of the ideology she once rode to prominence. Talking heads from Hannity to Levin to Limbaugh have cut the throats of the entire conservative movement, all for the ratings a sideshow freak like Trump brings. Palin’s move, as well as the past few months of fawning, slack-jawed devotion to all things Trump that those who (formerly) enjoyed conservative talk radio have had to endure shows those of us who still value principle over celebrity just how unreliable and self-serving those who would be our “voice” truly are.
If it’s true that we reap what we sow, the next couple of months will see Palin and her brood fade into obscurity, once and for all. Those talking heads (I’m looking squarely at you, Sean Hannity) who are obviously in the Donald’s soiled pocket need to see their ratings plummet, as a fitting response to their willingness to turn a blind eye to this fraud in our midst and build him up, even as he tears the name of conservatism down.
Am I angry? Yes, I am. […]
Source: RedState
Oh boy the crap has hit the fan. Hey thanks for sharing all this Truth. I love seeing the Repubs squirm and not know what to do next. Sarah Palin and Trump are made for each other because they are both a joke. Maybe together they can bring the whole party tumbling down.
Sarah Palins just lookin for a job. So she jumped on the first Republican that loos like a winner. I hate her and Trump. They deserve each other and can go rot in hell.
1st Update: Last night conservative mag, National Review (NRO) released its manifesto titled:
"Against Trump."
Donald Trump leads the polls nationally and in most states in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. There are understandable reasons for his eminence, and he has shown impressive gut-level skill as a campaigner. But he is not deserving of conservative support in the caucuses and primaries. Trump is a philosophically unmoored political opportunist who would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus within the GOP in favor of a free-floating populism with strong-man overtones.
Any candidate can promise the moon. But politicians have records of success, failure, or plain backsliding by which their promises may be judged. Trump can try to make his blankness a virtue by calling it a kind of innocence. But he is like a man with no credit history applying for a mortgage — or, in this case, applying to manage a $3.8 trillion budget and the most fearsome military on earth.
Trump’s record as a businessman is hardly a recommendation for the highest office in the land. For all his success, Trump inherited a real-estate fortune from his father. Few of us will ever have the experience, as Trump did, of having Daddy-O bail out our struggling enterprise with an illegal loan in the form of casino chips. Trump’s primary work long ago became less about building anything than about branding himself and tending to his celebrity through a variety of entertainment ventures, from WWE to his reality-TV show, The Apprentice. His business record reflects the often dubious norms of the milieu: using eminent domain to condemn the property of others; buying the good graces of politicians — including many Democrats — with donations. […]
Source: NRO
"In the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding on the back of the tiger ended up inside." Pres. John Kennedy
2nd Update: This morning I learned that…in response to NRO's manifesto…….
"National Review disinvited from GOP debate after anti-Trump issue"
The Republican National Committee has disinvited National Review from participating in the Feb. 25 GOP debate because of its outspoken opposition to Donald Trump.
The decision was announced just hours after the conservative magazine published a special anti-Trump issue that included a scathing editorial about the Republican frontrunner and critical contributions from 22 conservative pundits and thought leaders.
"Jack Fowler, the publisher of National Review, wrote in a statement. "The reason: Our 'Against Trump' editorial and symposium."
"We expected this was coming," Fowler continued. "Small price to pay for speaking the truth about The Donald."
Politico Reader:
National Review knows that if Trump or Cruz wins the nomination, it'll decimate the conservative movement. They figure they have nothing to lose so they're going for broke. […]
Meanwhile, at a news conference on Capitol Hill yesterday Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C. Repub) took the opportunity to "unload" on The Donald and Ted Cruz.
When Graham was asked by reporters whether he preferred Trump or Cruz as the Repub nominee, Graham responded:
“It’s like being shot or poisoned." ….“What does it really matter?”
Source: CNN
Sat. Jan. 23, 2016
Sioux City, Iowa (CNN)
Trump: "I Could 'Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Voters"
Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here.
After the event, Trump declined to answer when asked by CNN to clarify his comments.
Trump has repeatedly pointed to the loyalty of his supporters, many of whom tell reporters and pollsters that almost nothing could make them change their mind about voting for Trump in the presidential race. […]