Comments on: PANTS ‘OFF’ THE GROUND News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Mon, 19 Apr 2010 01:42:07 +0000 Its really very disgusting that we as parents have allowed not only our peers, but our children as well to get sucked into this trend. In prison if a person is wearing their pants down like that then it means one of two things… either they have been made someones bit**, or they are gay. To be honest though, its not just our schools that have this problem. Being a military member I can say that this is also a growing trend with todays modern military members as well. Honestly, there should be a hard solid law against this distasteful way of dress.

By: Jimmy the Hammer Tue, 06 Apr 2010 17:14:40 +0000 They need to raise their IQs.Pants and image will follow.

By: Cio Waterwalker Thu, 01 Apr 2010 07:55:03 +0000 Off with our trousers!

By: BD Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:52:43 +0000 PLEASE YOUNG MEN PULL YOUR PANTS UP!This is really a prison trend that should not be copied. It is not stylish but it is stupid. Good story.

By: Truthiz Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:10:38 +0000 I commend the efforts of those who are seriously concerned about this continously disturbing trend found predominately within Black-America across this country.However, IMO, the behavior itself speaks to yet MORE concrete evidence that, collectively, Black America is in a state of Crisis!The very notion held among mostly young Black-American males that it's somehow "cool" to walk around with one's "azz" literally hanging out for all the world to see_a well-known behavior of prison culture_confirms that "WE" (Black-America) are on the road to utter destruction because "WE" have FALIED to "CHECK" ourselves as a people! Roughly 70% of ALL ablck babies are now born out of wedlock to teenage GIRLS impregnated by teenage BOYS (many of them THUGS, gangbangers, drug dealers and addicts) haveing NO real sense of themselves as human-beings. Too many BLACK babies are born into highly dysfunctional_and quite frankly_VIOLENT families and "dream-killing" communities with little to NO contact with positive male OR female roll-models OR Hope of ever escaping "their" reality_smh.I've said it before and I'll keep right on saying it: WE.ARE.IN.CRISIS. We had better "RECOGNIZE."
