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Pardon Me: Trump Already Pondering Russia Pardons


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Donald Trump is already researching steps to grant a presidential pardon to his staff, his family, and even himself. So, how does anyone not see that this clearly spells G-U-I-L-T-Y?!?!

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In a joint report late last week from The Washington Post and The New York Times, Trump is doing everything in his power NOT to cooperate with the inquiry into his possible collusion with Russia and claims of obstruction of justice. According to the report, he has instructed his legal team to push back against special investigator and former FBI Director Robert Mueller. He has told them to look for ways to undercut the investigation by alleging a conflict of interest. He has even begun the process of preparing to pardon any and everyone affiliated with him who ever gets legally indicted or criminally charged.


On Friday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer abruptly quit, after apparently growing tired of having to lie time and again for his Twitter-happy/crooked boss. That same day, Trump named Anthony Scaramucci as his new White House communications director, who quickly announced that despite the unanimous conclusion of 17 US security agencies, “The Donald” is still not convinced Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election.

How can this man be so blind? How can anyone who continues to support him be so blind?


If Jeff Sessions had told me in advance that he would recuse himself from the Russia probe, I would have picked somebody else. That was very unfair to the president. – Donald J. Trump


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If Donald Trump and his people were fully innocent (as they all claim to be), he would have no reason and nothing to gain by actively attempting to block the investigation. He would not be looking for ways to undercut the investigator, but would want the truth to be known. He would not continue to hide his tax returns. And, he would not be looking into granting a presidential pardon — to himself or anyone.

No president in the history of America has EVER attempted to pardon himself. The mere fact that Donald Trump is seeking to be the very first should cause doubt and concern among every US citizen with an ounce of common sense.


Why is Trump trying to gum up the investigation? Why is he frequently trying to cover up crucial bits of information, including his tax returns, his request of fired FBI Director James Comey to “forget” about the probe into Michael Flynn, and his attempts to gloss over the meeting Donald Jr. had inside Trump Tower with a bunch of mob-related Russians?

With this latest inquiry to pardon one and all, Donald may think he is “King Trump,” but he is not.

What he is, is G-U-I-L-T-Y!




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OK WASSUP! discusses Top News Today:
Donald Trump already looking to pardon
staff, family connected to Russia.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This dangerous “know-nothing” Clown and his clueless, Clownish inner-circle serve as the perfect example of what it means to be Stuck.On.Stupid. Totally incompetent, serial lying, con-men and crooks who are rotten to the core but with the collective IQ of Fredo Corleone…smh.

    Was not at all surprised to hear that he’s discussing “pardons” for himself and his people.

    Of course HE is…and THEY are…GUILTY as sin. And everybody (including his supporters) know it’s True.

  2. And on a Trump-related note…………..

    Spicer was terrible, as White House Press Secretary. But getting rid of Spicer and replacing him with a more polished “performer” ain’t gonna fix what ails this spectacle of a so-called presidency.

    Everyone knows the problem is TRUMP. Full stop.

    Anthony Scaramucci -nickname “The Mooch” – will serve as just “the newest Trump-era meme.” He, no doubt, is getting paid handsomely while pretending he now “LUVS the president.”

    When he and Trump are done using each other, they will simply part ways and that will be the end of that.

  3. You said it right DJ. Anybody with common sense can see if you are looking for ways to pardon everybody you are guilty as sin. You wouldn’t have to pardon anybody if everybody was innocent. Trump just played himself on that one. As for Sean Spicer he had become such a butt of a joke I’m surprised he didn’t crack sooner. But better to get off this sinking ship now that to go down with it when it is all said and done.

  4. Btw DJ I really love the new comments. You have done a Yoman;s job working on the entire site.

  5. And could THIS possibly be true?

    “UH-OH: Is Trump Considering Replacing Jeff Sessions, And With Who?”

    Rankled with Sessions’ attempts at professionalism, in an administration that hinges on protecting Trump and his ego at all costs, there has been a bit of rumbling that the president is attempting to shuttle the attorney general for somebody more “loyal” to he and his agenda.

    That’s not really the job of the attorney general, but Trump can’t be bothered with the minutia of propriety.

    According to Axios, there are internal whispers of axing Sessions in favor of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. […] – Susan Wright, writer at RedState

    1. Thanks for this update, Truthiz1. I actually just heard about it as well.

      I hope he does fire/replace Sessions. Then, Sessions can sing like a canary and tell everything he knows about the Trump-Russia connection.

      – DJ

      1. DJ, you are most welcomed!

        Btw- I don’t know about Sessions singing like a canary if indeed he is fired. He strikes me as being just another Poseur, a fake-alpha male desperately trying to hold onto what little power he still has left because his dignity appears to be long-gone.

        I will say this though…I certainly hope that he proves me wrong and proves you right on this one 🙂 !

  6. Re: The possibility Trump wants to replace Sessions with Rudy Giuliani

    It’s plain that Trump has no more use for Sessions and wants him gone. Yesterday.

    But IF this story is true (and time will certainly tell) adding Rudy to this mixed bag of NUTS (pun intended) would take this whole Clownish freak-show – and Our National embarrassment – to a whole other level.

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