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Paris In Mourning Following ISIS Attack

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Paris In Mourning Following ISIS Attack

The Eiffel Tower has gone dark.  The Louvre Museum is silent.  Paris is in mourning and essentially closed until further notice, after an orchestrated attack on Friday by the ISIS terror group turned the City of Lights into a blood bath.

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Paris in mourningToday, France is coming to grips with the deadliest act of violence on its soil since World War II: coordinated gun-and-suicide bombing attacks across Paris that left upwards of 100 people dead and more than 300 people injured.

At least 3 groups of attackers, including 7 suicide bombers, carried out an act of barbarism that shattered an otherwise typical Parisian night. Militants launched multiple gun and bomb attacks over the course of 20 minutes in areas of Paris that were packed with people.

Three suicide bombs targeted spots around the national Stade de France stadium, where a France vs. Germany soccer match was underway. Around the same time, bullets flew across a trendy Paris neighborhood as gunmen targeted a string of crowded cafes. Next, attackers stormed the Bataclan concert hall, where the American rock band Eagles of Death Metal was performing. Amateur video footage showed the band ducking for cover as the shooting began.

The attackers opened fire on the panicked audience and took several hostage. As police closed in, 3 of the terrorists detonated explosive belts, killing themselves. Yet another assailant detonated a suicide bomb on Boulevard Voltaire, near the music hall.

In an online statement in Arabic and French circulated by supporters, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks. The statement called Paris “the capital of prostitution and obscenity” and mocked France’s air attacks on suspected ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, saying France’s air power was “of no use to them in the streets and rotten alleys of Paris.”

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President Francois Hollande declared 3 days of national mourning and raised the nation’s security to its highest level, calling the massacre “an act of war that was prepared, organized, planned from abroad with internal help.” He added that France will increase its military efforts to crush ISIS and “will be merciless toward the barbarians of Islamic State group.”

French president in ParisWith troops already active in a U.S.-led coalition bombing suspected ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, France wasted no time in proceeding with payback. On Sunday, French fighter jets bombed a series of ISIS sites in Raqqa, Syria, in what officials are describing as a major bombardment.

ISIS claims Raqqa as the capital of its so-called caliphate, so the targets in Sunday’s airstrikes included a command center, a recruitment center, an ammunition storage base and a training camp for the terror group. At least 12 French aircraft and 10 fighter jets were involved in the airstrikes. More than 20 bombs were dropped and all of the targets were destroyed.

In an expected propaganda campaign, pro-ISIS news agency have since claimed the sites were abandoned before they were hit.

For the past several days Parisians have been in a state of shock. Out of fear that more attacks could occur, the streets of Paris have turned into a ghost town, although hundreds gathered outside a hospital near the Bataclan concert hall to donate blood.

According to French authorities, all 7 attackers wore identical suicide vests containing the explosive TATP and all 7 of them died. Six were due to suicide bombings, while police shot the other assailant, exploding his suicide vest.

Major tourist attractions throughout Europe beefed up security following the attacks. The United States also went on high alert out of precaution.

President Obama immediately condemned the terror attacks, calling them an “outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians” and pledging the U.S. government’s assistance to France.

“This is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share,” Mr. Obama said in a statement from the White House Briefing Room. “We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance the people of France need to respond.”




OK WASSUP! tracks the top news today. Today’s article:
Paris and the world is mourning following ISIS terror attacks.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I just happened to be watching MSNBC Friday evening when Breaking News interupted the program with reports that a possible terror attack was unfolding in Paris, France.

I watched for several hours after that, bouncing back-and-forth between CNN and MSNBC, until the whole horrific event ended,

There is much I want to say about the actions of Our government as well as the actions of the governments of our European allies. There is much I want to say about our news media. But I will hold my peace…..For Now.

. …..and simply say………..

My heart goes out to all those directly impacted by this insane tragedy, especially those who lost thier lives (may they R.I.P) and those who were critically injured.

Mr. BD

Like Truth I have a lot I want to say that I took most of the day trying to gather my thoughts together first. First off condolences to the people of Paris and everybody who lost loved ones. This was multiple murders no way around it. Now here's my main thought. This group ISIS is starting to remind me of the days of Hitler. Meaning the world is going to have to come together to stop them. We spend a lot of money on military but war of the future isn't fought with armys anymore. It's these type of attacks we will have to stop. Paris happened but we could be next anytime and anywhere. We have to come together and figure this thing out. I have more I want to add but I also want to see what else other's have to say too.

Mr. BD

Ok I couldn't hold my tongue anymore. ISIS attacked Paris and the world jumped into sympathy. Except ISIS attacked in the middle east only one day before and nobody said one thing. What kind of double standard is this???? Do the French lives count as more important than middle east ones? Everybody is changing their profile pic on Facebook and the news is giving back to back coverage and all that. But nobody is saying a word about all the lives lost the same way but just in another country. We need to think about how we are programed because this is real racist.


Yesterday, I chose not to tear into our government, our European allies or the news media because I wanted to focus moreso on the victims. Today I'm ready. First: I Co-sign absolutely with everything expressed by BD. In fact, I must go further and say that the overwhelming STENCH of the rotten double-standard, the blatant HYPOCRISY and ANTI-Muslim propaganda on FULL display via THE MEDIA sickens and angers me, to the very core of my being. How dare WE, the United States of America, continue to hold ourselves up as some Self-righteous, Holier-than-thou paragon of virtue and "beacon of light" for the world when: 1. WE, used 9/11 as an excuse to launch an Unjust War against a Middle East sovereign nation that had absolutely NOTHING to do with 9/11. WE rained down H*LL on its citizens, with the use of high-powered military assault weapons AND so-called "smart-bombs" which slaughtered… Read more »

Random White Guy

The difference is the French is our ally and we protect our own.


Re: Innocent Victims

The difference for me is…..there is NO difference.

Whether it be by assault weapons, "smart-bombs" drones or suicide bombers, I grieve for Every. Single. Life. lost and irreparably damaged, no matter the perpetrators of such heinous acts.

And most assuredly no matter the race, ethnicity, religion, OR country of origin of those Victims.


"A Message Of Support For Muslims After Paris Attacks Is Lighting Up The Internet" An emotional conversation with a Muslim cab driver in Manhattan inspired Alex Malloy to speak out. When Alex Malloy caught a cab in Manhattan just after 11 p.m. on Friday, he did not expect anything out of the ordinary. After he stepped inside, the driver immediately said, “Thank you.” Malloy, 23, told The Huffington Post he wasn't sure what to make of it at the time, but would later write that the conversation that followed was “one of the most heartbreaking moments I’ve ever experienced in my whole life.” The driver, roughly the same age as Malloy, explained that he was thanking him for being his first customer in two hours. The man suspected it was because people were suspicious of his Muslim faith in the wake of the Paris attacks. Malloy empathized with the driver… Read more »

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