Comments on: Paris In Mourning Following ISIS Attack News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 22 Nov 2015 08:12:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 18 Nov 2015 14:48:04 +0000 In reply to Random White Guy.

Re: Innocent Victims

The difference for me is…..there is NO difference.

Whether it be by assault weapons, "smart-bombs" drones or suicide bombers, I grieve for Every. Single. Life. lost and irreparably damaged, no matter the perpetrators of such heinous acts.

And most assuredly no matter the race, ethnicity, religion, OR country of origin of those Victims.

By: Random White Guy Wed, 18 Nov 2015 00:22:33 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

The difference is the French is our ally and we protect our own.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 17 Nov 2015 18:03:29 +0000 "A Message Of Support For Muslims After Paris Attacks Is Lighting Up The Internet"

An emotional conversation with a Muslim cab driver in Manhattan inspired Alex Malloy to speak out.

When Alex Malloy caught a cab in Manhattan just after 11 p.m. on Friday, he did not expect anything out of the ordinary.

After he stepped inside, the driver immediately said, “Thank you.” Malloy, 23, told The Huffington Post he wasn't sure what to make of it at the time, but would later write that the conversation that followed was “one of the most heartbreaking moments I’ve ever experienced in my whole life.”

The driver, roughly the same age as Malloy, explained that he was thanking him for being his first customer in two hours. The man suspected it was because people were suspicious of his Muslim faith in the wake of the Paris attacks.

Malloy empathized with the driver and expressed his support over the course of the 25-minute ride from Columbus Circle to Washington Heights. Malloy was so moved, he told HuffPost, he forgot to ask for the driver's name.

The exchange inspired Malloy to share his experience on Twitter and Facebook immediately afterward. The passionate message against Islamophobia went viral overnight. [….]

Reactionary hatred comes quite easy to certain kinds of people (i.e., Governors who want to REFUSE Syrian Refugees into their states)

In times like these, it's the little things…the kind words…humane gestures…that make the difference.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 17 Nov 2015 14:11:25 +0000 Yesterday, I chose not to tear into our government, our European allies or the news media because I wanted to focus moreso on the victims.

Today I'm ready.

First: I Co-sign absolutely with everything expressed by BD.

In fact, I must go further and say that the overwhelming STENCH of the rotten double-standard, the blatant HYPOCRISY and ANTI-Muslim propaganda on FULL display via THE MEDIA sickens and angers me, to the very core of my being.

How dare WE, the United States of America, continue to hold ourselves up as some Self-righteous, Holier-than-thou paragon of virtue and "beacon of light" for the world when:

1. WE, used 9/11 as an excuse to launch an Unjust War against a Middle East sovereign nation that had absolutely NOTHING to do with 9/11. WE rained down H*LL on its citizens, with the use of high-powered military assault weapons AND so-called "smart-bombs" which slaughtered Hundreds of Thousands of INNOCENT men, woman and children and displaced at least a millions Iraqis.

2. OUR actions in Iraq led directly to the total Unleashing of terrorist factions that had been, for the most part, kept IN CHECK by Saddam Hussein.

3. WE and our European allies continue the Evil practice of SELECTIVELY valuing the lives of (primarily) ANGLOs and Christians over ALL other lives!?!

Let me be clear……

I love My country. But I will NOT uphold My country in the wrong. I will NOT excuse or deny the wrong WE've done.

I grieve for Every. Single. Life. lost or irreparably damaged as a result Hubris, Hatred, and unimaginable Violence, no matter the perpetrators of such CRIMES against Humanity.

And most assuredly no matter the race, ethnicity OR religion of those Victims.

By: Mr. BD Tue, 17 Nov 2015 12:04:14 +0000 Ok I couldn't hold my tongue anymore. ISIS attacked Paris and the world jumped into sympathy. Except ISIS attacked in the middle east only one day before and nobody said one thing. What kind of double standard is this???? Do the French lives count as more important than middle east ones? Everybody is changing their profile pic on Facebook and the news is giving back to back coverage and all that. But nobody is saying a word about all the lives lost the same way but just in another country. We need to think about how we are programed because this is real racist.
