For the first time since revelations of sexual impropriety were made public, one of the men filing a lawsuit against Bishop Eddie Long is speaking out. In an exclusive interview with FOX 5 News, Jamal Parris, who originally did not want to speak publicly, told an intense story of a love-hate relationship with a man he called “Daddy.”
“You look at our eyes. You hear the pain in our voice. We have no reason to lie to this man,” Jamal Parris said directly to those who may doubt the validity of his story. Parris is one of four young men who have accused Long of using scripture and even church money to sexually seduce them, while they were teen-aged members of his New Birth Missionary Baptist mega-church in surburban Atlanta.
Since last week, none of the four young men have wanted to talk publicly about the lawsuit, mainly at the advice of their attorney, but also out of sheer embarrassment in having to admit sexual contact with their former Bishop. FOX 5 caught up with Jamal Parris while shopping at a 24-hour store in Colorado and he was initially reluctant to talk. But once he got going, he told a riveting story about how as a young 14-year-old with no father around, he joined New Birth and Bishop Eddie Long came into his life. He said Long said to call him “Daddy” and to trust him with spiritual guidance.
“I loved him,” Parris said. “I’m always going to have love for the things that he taught me. But how he left us hurt worse than anything I ever felt in my life. He is a MONSTER!”
Take a look at the video of Jamal Parris speaking. Then view the short video below it and watch reaction from members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. YOU DECIDE if Jamal Parris is telling the truth!
WOW. I'm speechless. This young man came across so honestly theres no way he can be lying. I was glad to see the church members start to see the truth too instead of just accept what their told. This was sad to see. Props to the young man for having the courage to speak.
My Lord. I have seldom been moved by any TV interview. But that young man bearing his Soul is just so compelling! Honestly, after seeing this interview last night, my best friend was so disturbed by Jamal's very visible pain that she had some difficulty sleeping last night. I really had to talk with her for awhile, she was so tearful 🙁 ! And the truth is, I'm a little too Angry to be posting on this issue right now_but I will say this: Anyone who is still NOT willing to at least consider the POSSIBILITY that Long is a LYING-azz Narcissistic Predator…then there simply is NO HOPE for that person. He/she is content in his/her own BLINDNESS. FYI: It was announced this morning, on WAOK Atlanta Online Talk radio that Part 2 of the interview is scheduled to be shown this evening on FOX 5 News.
Ooops I meant to say: …"baring his Soul"
I did not see either of these videos until just now and my heart is heavy. You could feel the young man's emotion literally jump through the screen as he spoke. I could feel his pain. How this man who refers to himself as a Bishop will continue to deny the charges is beyond me. I will be praying for all of these young men who placed their trust in the wrong hands.
<span>In the end ALL of the lying, denying and signifying IN THE WORLD won't save Long's EVIL azz_smh.</span><span></span><span></span><span>But let’s just “tell the Truth and Shame the devil”: </span><span>Is THIS not yet another indictment of the FAILURE of the collective Black Community? and in particular the Black Church community?</span><span>I say YES. and YES. </span><span>Long could NOT have gotten away with the despicable acts he’s been committing for Lord only knows how long(?) without the assistance AND protection of a whole LOTTA folks, beginning with his “inner-circle”..i.e. the church “governing board”, his body guards AND the associate pastors of New Birth (the EYES of Bernice King and MANY other so-called Black “leaders” MUST hurt like h*ll from the strain of constantly looking the OTHER way). Then last but NOT least: the Congregation at New Birth which appears to be completely DEVOID of Spiritual DISCERNMENT.<span> </span></span><span>BTW: Eddie Long’s “spiritual mentor” was also a Predator. “Bishop Earl Paulk (who died last year) was a<span> </span></span><span>evangelical mega-church leader accused of having sex with countless women including his brother’s Wife and his own GRANDDAUGHTER." </span><span></span><span>Coincidence? Naaah. <span> </span></span><span></span>
<span>We are truly in the last days, watch as well as PRAY!!</span>
It always amazes me the large multitude of our people that are willing to put all of their faith and trust into a man. Bishop Eddie Long is just a man. It amazes me how many fellow church members refuse to see him for what he is.. a man consumed by lust and power that used his power to his advantage to satisfy his lust…those that remain are lambs on their way to slaughter. Within each of us dwells a spirit. Call it the holy spirit, your conscious, maybe your subconcious, or even some call it their 3rd eye. Everything one needs to discern the truth and right versus wrong dwells within us. Wake up people!!! Listen to your inner selves. If you don't, your child, younger brother, or young husband might be next…
It always amazes me the large multitude of our people that are willing to put all of their faith and trust into a man. Bishop Eddie Long is just a man. It amazes me how many fellow church members refuse to see him for what he is.. a man consumed by lust and power that used his power to his advantage to satisfy his lust…those that remain are lambs on their way to slaughter. Within each of us dwells a spirit. Call it the holy spirit, your conscious, maybe your subconcious, or even some call it their 3rd eye. Everything one needs to discern the truth and right versus wrong dwells within us. Wake up people!!! Listen to your inner selves. If you don't, your child, younger brother, or young husband might be next…