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Democrats have launched a hilarious new website aimed at painting Republicans as the “PARTY OF NO.”  The new site features House Republican Leader John Boehner, House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, with the byline: At every step, the Republican Party has chosen obstruction over progress. As House Republican Whip Eric Cantor told the Washington Post, the Republican Party’s approach to the Obama agenda is “just saying no.”  By rolling your cursor over each Republican, he will quickly shut down your every request with a blunt NO!!!  just like the real Republicans do.  Wanna try it for yourself?  Click HERE for hours of fun and laughter!




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Anon, 3-15-09:“Likewise, I've grown more conservative over the years, despite the obvious flaws of "conservatism" in America and despite the train wreck of the Bush presidency. I think this is because I've realized that what passes for conservatism today is not really conservative at all. Burke is rolling in his grave." Hat-tip: Andrew SullivanSimply put: Judging by nearly everything the GOP has said and done over the past 25-30 yrs, “Conservatism” has been replaced by “Republicanism”; the phrase is NOT mine. But the definition IS:A highly Toxic socio-political ideology that combines the insane principles of Extreme reich-wing religious fundamentalism, neoCONservative militarism and corporate fascism. I'll admit right off: I’m NOT a Republican and have never been. I'm a moderate/conservative Independent who leans “Left” of center on occasion, depending on the issue.And I know "Crap" when I see it and SMELL it. IMO, the CRAP the Repubs have been passing off as "Conservatism” hasn’t passed the “smell” test _or any other test for that matter_going back to Reagan’s Presidency. But here’s the thing: I honestly don’t think most GOPers even "get" the HUGE difference between actual “Conservatism vs Republicanism!?! And it’s rather astonishing because the so-called “Conservative Movement” which took root, in earnest, during the 1980s with the election of Reagan followed by the Repubs capture of both Houses of Congress in 1994 which lasted (more or less) until 2006_turned out to be anything but “Conservative.” It turned out to be a MONUMENTAL failure! Doesn't surprise me one bit the GOP is now the party of "NO." That's pretty much all they've got left_saying "NO" to everyhting, no matter the consequences to the country and the American people. I can look back to Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” and see how that whole reprehensible idea virtually guaranteed the quick demise of “Conservatism” in the Republican party. I can look back at the Atwater/Rove “Slash and Burn” strategy _how it further guaranteed the quick demise of “Conservatism” in the Republican party. We can see how the “Dons of Wall Street” via GANGSTA capitalism were granted UNregulated license to literally burn the whole d*mn country down because “Greed I$ good”. We can see how the NeoCons craven thirst for “WARS w/o end” and WITHOUT justification has cost Blood and treasure in an amount that we can’t even imagine! I can even see how the GOPs pattern-use of Lies-Lies-and more Lies/ deception/ gimmicks/ theatrics along with endless propaganda has led to its own Destruction. The party of "NO." Like i said_that's all they've got left.

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