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PASTOR: ‘Beat the Gay Away”

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“Can I make it any clearer?  Dads, the second you see that son
dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist.
Man up. Give them a good punch.”

Those are the words of Pastor Sean Harris of the Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, NC, who has ignited a firestorm of controversy over a recent Sunday sermon he delivered.

Harris is against homosexuality and believes it can be cured. However, his idea of curing begins at the age of 4 and involved beating.

“Can I make it any clearer? Dads, the second you see that son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give them a good punch. OK? You’re not going to act like that — you were made by God to be a male and you’re going to be a male,” Harris said in his sermon, drawing the ire of LGBT groups and common sense citizens alike. He continued to deride parents who don’t “squash like a cockroach” the gay out of their children, telling them “Instead of saying ‘Man up son. Get that dress off you and get outside and dig a ditch because that’s what boy’s do,’ you get out the camera and you start taking pictures of Johnny acting like a female…”

Now that his words have gone viral and been condemned from coast to coast, Harris insists he was just joking and has issued a rather lukewarm “apology” while still saying that his words were “taken out of context.” Hmmm…

In his so-called “apology” Harris said:

I do not apologize for the manner in which the Word of God articulates sexual immorality, including homosexuality and effeminacy, as a behavior that is an abomination to God. Nothing in this official statement of retraction should be perceived as an apology for the overarching intent and message of the sermon and the need to define marriage as one man and one woman and to maintain the gender distinctions that God created from the beginning when He made them male and female (Genesis 1). I recognize that there are those in the LGBT community who believe that their sexual behavior is not sin. I do not agree with them and this official retraction should not be misunderstood as an apology for the gospel of Jesus Christ or the Word of God.

For the full text of Harris’ apology, click HERE.  Now listen to his controversial sermon:




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. He said he was joking but hes saying what a lot of pasters like him think. Somebody needs to beat him.

  2. Seriously, do THEY ever stop?! "They" being sexually repressed, right-wing GAY men (many of them Preachers) PRETENDING to be *Straight* while pushing their very twisted and, dare I say, EVIL agenda.I read about this story yesterday and immediately thought to myself…next to *Racists,* sexually repressed GAY men are just as dangerous. Filled with SELF-loathing and ANGER towards *Others,* they are among the worlds biggest HYPOCRITES, have NO conscience about the bile they spew and cares NOT one whit about the damage their reprehensible words and actions cause.I liken them to RABID dogs.  

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