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Pastor Chastises Trump At Michigan Church

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Michigan pastor chastises Donald Trump
Michigan pastor chastises Donald Trump

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Pastor Chastises Trump At Michigan Church

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may have thought he had it “made-in-the-shade” when he appeared at a black church in Flint, Michigan earlier this week.  However, the church pastor quickly shut down any notion that “The Donald” is a favorite of “the blacks.”

Current Events
During a speech at the Bethel United Methodist Church on Wednesday, Trump launched into his traditional campaign rhetoric of bashing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. However, Pastor Faith Green Timmons was having none of it and had no trouble reminding the GOP visitor that he was invited to discuss the Flint water crisis and NOT bash Mrs. Clinton.

pastor-trump“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we’ve done in Flint, not to give a political speech,” Pastor Timmons told a very shocked Donald Trump, who had no choice but to quickly recover and revise his remarks on the fly.

Not willing to concede publicly that someone didn’t allow him to do what HE wanted while in THEIR house, Trump told “Fox & Friends” that he suspected “something was up” when he took the stage.

“She was so nervous, she was shaking and then I said, ‘Wow, this is sort of strange,’” Trump said during the telephone interview. “And then she came up. So she had that in mind, there’s no question about it.” He also added that he believes the pastor was “a nervous mess.”

During a press conference in Greensboro, NC on Thursday, Hillary Clinton was quick to respond.

“Rev. Faith Green Timmons is not a nervous mess,” Mrs. Clinton said. “She’s a rock for her community in trying times. She deserves better than that and Flint deserves better.”

Pastor Timmons also responded, saying that the Trump campaign told her they only wanted to come to the church to learn about their relief efforts in Flint, as well as hand out water and food to city residents still suffering from the lead poisoning crisis. However, Mr. Trump had other ideas that were simply not allowed.

“They had plans to make it a little more than they originally said and I said, ‘No, you’re going to stick to the original plan,’” Pastor Timmons told reporters on Wednesday. “And so when he asked to come in and make a statement, and the statement began to go beyond what he originally said, I asked him to stick to what he said — you came here to welcome our workers and thank them for what they have done. And that’s what he stuck to.”

And, there it is.  END. OF. STORY!





OK WASSUP! covers current events, including
Trump being chastised by Michigan pastor.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. And let the church say AAAMEN..!

    I applaud Pastor Timmons for the polite manner in which she Shut Down that lying, ignorant fool. With her quick NO-nonsense approach, he obviously wasn't expecting that.

    Well done, Pastor Timmons. Well done.

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