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BREAKING NEWS:  After pressures from the White House and a direct telephone call from Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Pastor Terry Jones has announced he will NOT proceed with plans to burn the Muslim Quran this Saturday on the anniversary of 9/11.  Pastor Jones claims he struck a direct deal with the Imam in NY to move the mosque from its planned location near Ground Zero, but the Imam denies those claims.  Stay tuned for developing details.

He’s a so-called “Christian” pastor of a small 30 member church in the moderate town of Gainesville, Florida. But this small-time pastor is making some big-time noise with his internationally controversial plans to burn the Muslim Quran this Saturday on the anniversary of 9/11!

Despite criticism and pleas from the top U.S. general in Afghanistan, the White House, the State Department, a variety of religious leaders and even the Vatican,  Rev. Terry Jones insists he intends to go forward with plans to torch the holy Quran. Jones is head of the Dove World Outreach Center, which has a strong anti-Islam philosophy (among other dislikes). The church lawn is littered with signs that say “ISLAM IS OF THE DEVIL,” and “NO HOMO MAYOR,” directed toward the openly gay Mayor of Gainesville. Jones has long proclaimed that Islam is the devil’s religion and says the Constitution gives him the right to publicly set fire to the book Muslims throughout the world consider the word of God.

Gen. David Petraeus warned that “images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence.” Others insist Jones’ lone act could stir up unnecessary trouble and endanger U.S. troops and Americans everywhere. But Jones was undeterred and responded by saying, “When do we stop? How many times do we back down? Instead of us backing down, maybe it’s time to stand up. Maybe it’s time to send a message to radical Islam that we will not tolerate their behavior.”  Hmmm…

If Rev. Jones is a supposed “Christian,” how does he possibly correlate his proposed hateful actions as anything Christ-like? Further, how does he justify attacking and insulting an entire religion solely based on the actions of a few?  The answer is simple: This man is NOT a Christian. He is NOWHERE NEAR “Reverend,” and he is NOT a pastoral leader.  He is a JACKASS who is about to stir up some rather unnecessary angst at a time when religious and spiritual leaders should be bringing us together, instead of tearing us further apart. Setting fire to a symbol considered by millions as holy and sacred as the Quran is so beyond stupid, there may not be a word yet invented to properly describe it.

And we wonder why some Muslim extremists hate us!



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I am extremely angry at this pastor and his intentions. Although he may disagree with Muslim beliefs, the thought of burning a religious symbol invites nothing but trouble. It will be a sad day in America if this is allowed to proceed.

  2. LOL@ DJ calling him a jackass.This crackpot is gonna have some company on Saturday. A group of protestors plan to be down there counteracting his plans and protesting against it. I wish I could go. At least he's getting a lot of publicity for his little church.

  3. Hey Beth if you're reading this…it's great to see you posting again…don't be a stranger! BD and I hold it down but it's great to have other voices chime in too 🙂

  4. The truth is, I was tempted to stop identifying myself as a "Christian" because I want absolutely NO association to religious extremists in America POSING as Christians.They are, as Andrew Sullivan labeled them_ "Christianists" and Christians MUST be willing to STAND UP for Our faith against such Hateful and dangerous people!

  5. Actually Truthiz I enjoy reading this site frequently. But I do I recognize I'm in the minority here so I often remain silent.And to the Anonymous poster, please don't allow the opinion of one ignorant man dissuade you from Christ. Let your faith rise above the evil that is in his heart. I am praying for a peaceful resolution to this entire mess.

  6. Beth there are few things I enjoy more than engaging in a healthy yet Civil discussion and debate among THINKING adults where diverse points of views are welcomed and Respected! The truth is you actually got me to reconsider my opinion on at least one serious topic! Anyway. I welcome your voice whenever the Spirit hits you 🙂 And BD I'm NOT suprised there it NO such agreement to move the Islamic Center. In fact, the Imam in New York has had NO conversation with Paster Jones OR the Imam in Florida. I'm so embarrassed by the way the White House, the media has played this. They've given center stage to a religious nutjob who is the Pastor of a little church in Florida. Talk about opening the floodgates_smh.With all of the serious problems facing this country THIS foolishness is what's being covered_smh.

  7. I blame the press not the White House. Once the media got ahold of it and made it a international story, terrorists everywhere were fixin for a fight. Obama had no choice but to act. Our military and ordinary Americans were about to be in harms way over this one nut job and his burning Quran. I'm doubting the whole excuse about moving the mosque tho. This pastor was getting death threats all week and I don't think he was really serious about going forward. He did all this for the attention which he got.

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