Comments on: PAT ROBERTSON ADVICE ANGERS CHRISTIANS News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:46:16 +0000 With ALL of the utter garbage spewed from the mouth of Robertson (and other right-wing FAKE Christians) over the decades, my initial thought (upon hearing this news) was that THIS is but yet another example of *talibangelical* madness.But then I paused and thought about the FACT that going back at least 25-30 YEARS, we've witnessed more than a few right-wing *Christianist" (mostly Married MEN, and/or CLOSET-Gay) EXPOSED for leading all kinds of double (if not triple) HEDONISTIC lives. They profess to be "moral" and "upright" while living like DOGS.Time and time again, those Men have shown they have little-or-NO respect OR love for their wives/ *significant other.*I believe Robertson IS losing it. But I consider THIS latest offense a *GAFFE.* The old man slipped-up and UNintentionally spoke THE TRUTH about how HE and more than a few right-wing *Christianist* Men REALLY feel about their vows.Pretty. Darn. Shameful.
