Comments on: Paul Manafort Flips; Trump In Trouble News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 23 Sep 2018 18:54:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Mon, 17 Sep 2018 18:01:48 +0000 I think Trump and everybody over at the White House are shook right now that Manafort flipped. When Cohen flipped Trump praised Manafort for keeping his mouth shut. Now all bets are off. I think Manafort is the big fish Muller was waiting for. Nobody knows more than him besides Trumps own family. He was smart to take the deal like Truth said because a whole lot of Russians want him dead if he was just thinking Trump could protect him. And whoever the guy is that tweeted Trump might resign when Manafort talks could be on something. This is bigger than we think it is. By the midterm elections when Dems take back congress Muller is going to let it all out. This will be over by the end of the year mark my word.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 17 Sep 2018 17:01:53 +0000 Let me also add……..

I’d wager that Manafort’s decision to put his trust in Mueller rather that Trump is primarily motivated by the following:

1. Manafort knows darn well he’d be a fool to his trust in Donald. Full stop.

2. Manafort is concerned about his own safety but even moreso, he’s concerned for the “safety” of his family.

Manafort has long history of shady “business” activities with some pretty dangerous characters certainly in Russia and Ukraine. And he’s looking at spending the rest of his life in Federal/and or state prison. Donald could only grant a pardon for federal charges NOT state charges.

As part of the plea deal, Mueller could grant Manafort something that Trump can’t…some kind of witness protection for himself and his family. So Manafort had better darn sure be able to provide something of Real value to Mueller or the plea deal is off…..and Manafort know this.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 17 Sep 2018 15:50:52 +0000 How vital will the Paul Manafort information be to Robert Mueller? Is Manafort the last major piece of the puzzle needed to bring Donald Trump to his knees? Will Manafort sing like a canary, or will his testimony end up being a dud? […] – DJ

We shall see. We shall see. …and We shall see.

Mueller doesn’t strike me as the kind of prosecutor to even entertain the thought of a plea deal, unless he’s convinced that the evidence the indicted person has to offer is well worth it.

I’d wager that what Mueller is seeking now is credible info/and evidence that goes beyond the Trump campaign’s collusion w/Russia- to include shady real estate deals and money well as income tax evasion and all other illegal activities.

Mueller is going wherever the evidence leads him. He’s following the money.
