Comments on: Paul Ryan Ends Congressional Career News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 18 Apr 2018 04:47:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Thu, 12 Apr 2018 15:49:13 +0000 DJ, my friend, your entire post hits it OUT the park. It just missed being a Grand Slam….Lol.

Let’s not forget Paul Ryan’s True claim to fame within the GOP- his supposed “Master economic plan” championed FOR YEARS by Ryan, McConnell and other so-called “fiscal Conservative” Repubs; the same mythical Tax-CUT and spending plan Paul and Co. confidently assured all of America would lead to significant decreases in the U.S. debt and deficit; the same mythical Tax-CUT and spending plan recently passed by majority Repub votes in both the House and Senate; the same mythical TAX-CUT and spending Bill embraced by, and recently signed into law by their dim-bulb President…Trump.

The same ACTUAL Tax-CUT and spending Bill that the CBO report – released just days ago – now says “will push the budget deficit to $804 billion this year and just under $1 trillion for the upcoming budget year.”

“Economic growth from the tax cuts will add 0.7 percent on average to the nation’s economic output over the coming decade. Those effects will only partially offset the deficit cost of the tax cuts. The administration had promised the cuts would pay for themselves.”

And further: “The report paints an unrelentingly bleak picture of federal deficits, which would permanently breach the $1 trillion mark in 2020 unless Congress stems the burst of red ink. The government would borrow about 19 cents of every dollar it spend this year. Deficits would grow to $1.5 trillion by 2028 — and could exceed $2 trillion if the tax cuts are fully extended and if Washington doesn’t cut spending.” – WREG News Channel

And you may recall THIS is the same “Master economic plan” Ryan said he had dreamed of and touted since he about “22” years of age.

Paul Ryan isn’t just running AWAY from the sh*tstorm known as the Trump presidency and ALL the stench associated with Trump. Paul Ryan is running AWAY from Paul Ryan’s true legacy which is the MYTH of Paul Ryan AND the colossal pending FAILURE of his “Master economic plan.”

1. Analysis: Tax cuts, spending to raise deficit to $1 trillion – WREG News Channel 3, Memphis, TN.

2. “The US government’s budget deficit is about to explode — and the Trump tax law and spending surge is to blame” -Business Insider
