Comments on: PAUL’S ‘PALIN’ MOMENT News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Aug 2012 18:06:56 +0000 ..another Quote for the Day….In addition to being astoundingly ignorant, what he's saying is also extremely evil.His point is that women who are "legitimately raped" don't get pregnant.This is evil.  […]       ~ Charles Johnson @LittleGreenFootballsRead:…Remember. Akin is NOT alone. He's got lots of company in the Repub hierarchy. Chief among that like-minded lot is PAUL RYAN.

By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:47:30 +0000 <span>Quote for the Day </span><span></span><span>TPM Reader: </span><span></span><span>Please, explain to me, a 66 year old male, how any woman could vote for the GOP party. Are all women who vote GOP anymore victims of some sort of Stockholm syndrome? Have they been so brutalized and brainwashed by their GOP men that they vote literally to remain in servitude, bondage, ignorance, and victim-hood.</span><span></span><span>I am dead serious. How can any woman with an IQ above that of a fruitcake, and any minimal level of self-awareness and self-respect vote for this party?</span><span></span><span>If the GOP had its way, we would literally be back in the dark ages, with no birth control, no access to women for health care, and sheer blind ignorance in every aspect of science regarding women and medical care.</span><span></span><span>Is is possible the American empire truly is on its last legs, about to collapse into a a future defined by a return essentially to a new feudalism, brought to us by the 1% and the corporations? It certainly seems that way lately. […]</span><span></span><span>Read:…</span>

By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:34:35 +0000 ThinkProgress:The Romney-Ryan campaign released a statement distancing itself from the Akin-Ryan position on abortion in the case of rape: “Gov. Romney and Cong. Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin’s statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.” […]Which puts Ryan in a bit of a quandry …doesn't it?"How Todd Akin And Paul Ryan Partnered To Redefine Rape"

By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:20:09 +0000 <span>NYTimes: "Senate Candidate Provokes Ire With ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment" </span><span><a href="; rel="nofollow"&gt <a href="http://; </span>; </span><br /><span></span><span></span><span>A few reaxs…   Commenter:  This ignorant fool serves on the House SCIENCE committee? I don't know whether to be angry or just go home and cry at the level of hate and stupidity infecting our political leadership. […] </span><span></span><span>Commenter:  It's note ire that this provokes. It is that helpless feeling one gets when one realizes another idiot is being elected to high office and that his incompetence will yield law that will further make us the laughing stock of the world. […]   Commenter:  Akin lamely backtracked by saying he "misspoke". He did not misspeak as he actually believes this nonsense and what he said accurately represents his viewpoint. Full stop. He only "misspoke" by speaking out on this issue, period. The more important question is: does the GOP (RNC, Romney/Ryan) support restrictions on abortion in cases of rape, or not? Because Paul Ryan has sponsored and supports "personhood" laws that would have the same impact as Akin's clumsy and ignorant comments. GOP – Condemn all you want, but tell the American public your real, unvarnished position on "personhood" & "forcible rape" laws designed to do the same thing – prevent women (including raped women) from having abortions. </span><span></span><span>Don't believe me. read it for yourself. […]   "As Ryan Looks to Focus on Economy, Spotlight Shines on His Other Views"  <a href="; rel="nofollow"&gt <a href="http://;</span>” target=”_blank”>;</span>

By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Aug 2012 16:52:15 +0000 Politico: "Akin: A damage estimate"It’s barely been a day since Missouri GOP Congressman Todd Akin made his <span>incomprehensible remarks</span> regarding “legitimate rape” but the damage is already rippling across the political landscape.The national headlines are only part of the problem. The GOP Senate nominee has caused immeasurable damage because of the timing of his remarks as well. At a time when part of the Democratic message is that the GOP is conducting a “war on women,” Akin has provided Democrats with a limitless supply of ammunition for use against GOP candidates.The quick condemnations from Republicans across the nation signal the deep concern about the potential blowback.Here’s how Akin’s remarks are playing out at the moment.The presidential raceMitt Romney addressed the furor Monday, telling National Review Online,  that Akin’s comment was “inexcusable.”That’s one obvious measure of the extent of the damage: When a party’s presidential nominee feels a need to comment on a Senate candidate’s remarks, it’s a sign the controversy has spread well beyond a single state’s borders.Romney already faces a big gender gap in the polls; Akin has provided Democrats with an opportunity to drive the wedge deeper. […]Read:…Pray tell. Is there NO word yet from Romney's VP pick? Surely Paul Ryan has SOMETHING to add to this um…conversation/sarc.  
