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THE ‘Pay-Toilet’ AIRLINE

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Last week, we reported that Spirit Airlines will soon charge its passengers for carry-on bags.  Now, another discount carrier wants more fees to fly. The next time you fly RyanAir, make sure you take exact change with you on board, as they are working on design changes among the fleet to allow the installation of pay toilets on 168 planes.

Airline Chairman Michael O’Leary has a reputation for creating fees for most conveniences and services on RyanAir, including booking fees, baggage handling charges, and all food and drink on board, causing some to believe the pay-toilet announcement was a mere publicity stunt.  But apparently they mean business.  According to a spokesman, the airline wants to reduce the number of toilets on board, leaving just one available for up to 189 passengers and allowing for a half dozen more seats.

Said RyanAir spokesman Stephen McNamara: “By charging for the toilets we are hoping to change passenger behavior so that they use the bathroom before or after.”   Well, we call that crap!  (pun intended)


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Ok this has got to end. Airlines gotta stop nickel and diming us and just be honest up front about all fees. By the time we get to our destination the trip cost $200.00 more!

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