
Pelosi vs McCarthy Battle Escalates

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A Pelosi vs McCarthy battle in the US House of Representatives has turned ugly and escalated to a point of no return.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are at odds over the investigation into the January 6th Donald Trump-led MAGA mob attack on Capitol Hill.  Democrats want a fair and bipartisan committee to conduct the investigation, while Republicans — who deeply fear the wrath of Donald Trump — want to pretend the attack never happened and hopes everyone will simply forget all about it.

House Committee Pelosi vs McCarthy
Reps. Jim Jordan and Banks

As we discussed here last week, Republicans threatened not to participate in the investigation unless Pelosi accepted 2 Trump sycophants on the committee.  However, Pelosi called their bluff and announced that the investigation would proceed anyway and would do so without the 2 Trump flunkies — prompting McCarthy to throw a tantrum and announce that NO Republicans would join the investigative committee or cooperate with the inquiry.

Except, things didn’t quite go as McCarthy had planned.

Not only did Speaker Pelosi refuse to seat GOP Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan of Ohio to the committee, but she announced that Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois (2 noted anti-Trump Republicans) have accepted her invitation to join the investigative committee.

McCarthy had intended for Banks and Jordan to gum up the investigation and report back to Donald Trump.  Instead, Banks and Jordan are out and Cheney and Kinzinger are in, which completely negates McCarthy’s threat that no Republicans would participate in the probe.

An angry McCarthy is now calling Cheney and Kinzinger “Pelosi Republicans.”  Additionally, several Trump loyalists in the House are demanding that McCarthy punish the 2 GOP representatives for daring to join a bipartisan committee to investigate the attack against all of Congress and, effectively, hand Nancy Pelosi a victory.

Republican Reps. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney join Jan. 6 investigation committee


“They have stupidly sided with Democrats in a way that begs the question of their desire to be a part of our conference.” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX)

Now, a Pelosi vs McCarthy war of words is on!

“What you’re doing is unprecedented,” an angry McCarthy told Pelosi over the weekend. He also threatened that her dirty tricks (which successfully undermined his own dirty tricks) would “come back to haunt” her.

“The unprecedented nature of January 6th demands this unprecedented decision,” a calm Pelosi told McCarthy.  She also added that the selections of GOP Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan of Ohio would have undermined the integrity of the probe.

“If they [Cheney and Kinzinger] are accepting appointments from Nancy Pelosi rather than the GOP, haven’t they already effectively left [the Republican Party]? Perhaps they should ask Speaker Pelosi for committee assignments?” – Republican House member

Pelosi is now proceeding as planned with the inquiry into the deadly Capitol riot and the investigation will formally begin Tuesday on Capitol Hill.

Pelosi vs McCarthyAs for McCarthy, he’s seething mad that he doesn’t have the power to prevent the House Speaker from going forward with a fair investigation and that he didn’t get his way.  He’ll now have to report back to ‘Dear Leader’ Donald Trump that his efforts to halt the inquiry have failed and that Trump, several GOP colleagues, and even McCarthy himself could face damaging consequences once the truth about January 6th comes out before the congressional committee.

In an 11th-hour fit of desperation on Monday, McCarthy filed a “motion to vacate the speaker’s chair” (an impossible legislative move to have Speaker Pelosi removed from power).  Needless to say, his stunt was a laughable and overly dramatic escalation of the Pelosi vs McCarthy feud.


OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The Pelosi vs McCarthy feud escalates.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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No one epitomizes the idiom “Stuck on Stupid” more than Kevin McCarthy. He and his fellow right-wing comrades gleefully SOLD their souls to a serial-lying, FAKE authoritarian Fascist wanabe – intellectually disabled Conman – who now rules that traitorous party.

And yet, McCarthy and his gang think themselves to be clever..smh! 

Stupid? They iz.

Dangerous? They iz.

Clever? They ain’t. 

McCarthy knows he’s no match for Pelosi. He’s never been….and will never be. 

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

New York Times: Outside the White House on Monday, the eve of the first hearing to investigate the Capitol riot, Representative Kevin McCarthy had an insult and a threat for the two members of his party daring to participate in the inquiry into how and why a pro-Trump mob attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6. He derided Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming, a staunch conservative and member of a storied Republican family, and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, a six-term congressman and Air Force veteran, as “Pelosi Republicans,” referring to Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker who chose them to sit on the special panel investigating the assault. As the minority leader, he suggested he might try to strip them of other committee assignments as punishment. Around the same time, Ms. Pelosi made it clear that the pair would have prominent roles in the proceedings. Ms. Cheney would be cast in the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Wil

McCarty said he did not want this investigation to go on because it was going to make Repubs look bad. But he is right. All the Repubs that got attacked during the riot then went right back to the house floor and still tried to take up for Trump are going to look real foolish once the truth comes out. Plus all the ones that have been covering up and do not want the whole truth to come out. They have a whole lot to hide and it is not going to end up good for Trump at all.


McCarty said he did not want this investigation to go on because it was going to make Repubs look bad. But he is right. All the Repubs that got attacked during the riot then went right back to the house floor and still tried to take up for Trump are going to look real foolish once the truth comes out. Plus all the ones that have been covering up and do not want the whole truth to come out. They have a whole lot to hide and it is not going to end up good for Trump at all.


I tip my hat to Liz Cheney and Kinziger. Repubs are hot they want to get something done and refuse to play political games. But Cheney and Kinzinger are the only Repubs taking their oath serious and willing to find out the truth what happened. At first I did not trust Liz Cheney because of her name. But she seems to be one of the few up there with some integrity.


I tip my hat to Liz Cheney and Kinziger. Repubs are hot they want to get something done and refuse to play political games. But Cheney and Kinzinger are the only Repubs taking their oath serious and willing to find out the truth what happened. At first I did not trust Liz Cheney because of her name. But she seems to be one of the few up there with some integrity.

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