Once again, the Republicans partook in a presidential debate last night. And once again, Rick Perry came out looking like the fool.
Perry was crowned a significant front runner almost immediately upon his entry into the race and before he had earned the honor of being a legitimate top tier candidate. But his candidacy has been on a steady crash-and-burn course since, and his poor performance last night could have been the final nail in the coffin.
Perry’s platform involves abolishing 3 government agencies so as to save money. But when asked which 3 agencies would he like to abolish, Perry strangely stumbled and couldn’t remember what they were. His failure to name the 3rd agency he hopes to eliminate, followed by a horrible awkward silence before being forced to admit he didn’t really know what he was saying, was pretty much a warning to the electorate that he is not ready for prime time. With his one brain freeze, Perry’s comedy of errors has now seriously damaged his fundraising ability, has once again embarrassed him in front of a national audience, and has proven that this is not a man who is ready to be President of the United States.
By default, Mitt Romney came out the winner, making the GOP nomination his to lose. But there is still a huge part of the Republican Party who simply does not want Romney as their nominee. So that large wing of the party may be giving a second look at the candidacy of Newt Gingrich or one of the others. Or perhaps (and it’s just a long shot), maybe an as-yet-to-be-determined candidate will emerge at the 11th hour and save the Republicans from themselves.
Stay tuned!
<span><span>Honestly. How anybody with even the slightest bit of knowledge of Perry thought THIS (him running for President) was gong to result in anything but a complete disaster…is beyond me!?! </span><span>There is absolutely NOTHING in his background (political or personal) that suggests otherwise. </span> <span></span> <span>Perry's intellectual deficiencies have always been evident…like Dubya's. The difference: Dubya comes from $$$. Perry does not. He's the "poor-man's version of Dubya. "Perry was crowned a significant front runner almost immediately upon his entry into the race and before he had earned the honor of being a legitimate top tier candidate." Uh.huh. And WHO crowned him as such? The same worthless bunch who HYPE obvious political LOSERS all the time (SEE: Fred *dead* Thompson, Rudy *noun-verb-911* Giuliani, Ret. Gen. Wes *I'm really boring* Clark, and of course McSenile and his VP choice Ms. "you betcha"). The. Media. The SAME media that hyped George Dubya Bush as "the President everyone wants to have beer with"_until he and his sidekick got drunk on power and darn near destroyed this country. </span> <span></span> <span>The </span><span>same media that parroted neoCON BS in the lead up to the Iraq invasion (that little UNJUST adventure that ended up costing Us dearly in blood and treasure). </span> <span></span> <span>The SAME media that takes Trump AND Palin, AND *birthers* AND tea-partiers seriously. </span> <span></span> <span>And the SAME media PRETENDING that the clowns currently running for the GOP nomination are also to be taken seriously (rolling my eyes). Mitt won by default. And let's face it: Mitt always wins by default because because his competition is so pathetic. The media can continue hyping nonsense. The GOP is dying. Mitt can't save it and right wingers know it. "Mitt Romney as the Nominee: Conservatism Dies and Barack Obama Wins" Read:…</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>And Perry sure as heck can't save it…lol Poor fella can't even save himself…smh. </span></span>
Hahaha oh brother. I didn't watch the debate but I heard about it. Seeing it now is straight comedy. This dude is done!!
I didn't watch the debate either BD. Just can't put my brain through that torture anymore.But by several accounts, Perry's latest epic FAIL has gone global…as in, clips of his performance last night are being shown on international TV stations around the world.