Comments on: PERRY’S HUNTING CAMP: “N*ggerhead” News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 03 Oct 2011 15:28:32 +0000 <span>I heard about this story yesterday and my first reaction was "Wow.Rick Perry. The man truly is Stuck.On.Stupid."  </span><span></span><span>Clearly, Perry is intellectually and morally deficient. However, I have to say, I really don't think he's "racist."      YES. His family began "leasing" "N*GGERHEAD Hunting Camp" in the EARLY 80s which means that Rick was in his early 30s at that time. And YES. Perry decided to go into politics and yet, allowed that offensive rock (name) be prominently displayed for years to come. BUT.IT'S.TEXAS.   I'm NOT condoning it in any way. H*ll. As a Black-American female, I'm offended by the "N"-word no matter how it's used OR who uses it <side-eyeing>.    But we're talking TEXAS. And most Perry supporters are probably saying: "What's the big deal?"     Which brings me to Cain's comments on the matter:   Cain may actually find himself in hotwater with many_if not MOST_Right-wing White voters who take issue with Cain's response MORESO than with Rick Perry's camp. SEE: Commenters on, and   You really cannot make this stuff</side-eyeing></span>
