Pharma Bro Slapped By Karma
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Pharma Bro Slapped By Karma
Sometimes, people get away with murder. Other times, karma has a unique way of slapping someone square in the face. Such is the case with Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli, AKA “Pharma Bro.”
Current Events
In case you were unaware, the company owned by Pharma Bro purchased the drug Daraprim, a 60-year-old generic widely used by AIDS patients. At the time of the purchase, the drug was selling for an affordable $13.50 per pill. However, Pharma Bro felt that was far too low a price to pay for a life-saving drug, so he made an immediate name for himself by upping the price more than 5000%. This took the cost of the drug from $13.50 to a whopping $750 per pill!
After the entire world turned on Pharma Bro for his insensitivities toward AIDS patients just to make a buck from their medical disadvantage, Shkreli made the excuse that the increase in price was only for research and development. Shkreli claimed his company was going to come up with a better way to treat the ailment the drug cures, toxoplasmosis, with fewer side effects. Yeah, right.
Backlash against Shkreli was so fierce that he promised to lower the price and not make so much of a profit. So far, he hasn’t. Well, karma found a way to deal with Pharma Bro, as a rival company has since come up with an alternative drug to shatter Shkreli’s financial hopes and dreams.
While Pharma Bro was counting his ill-gotten gains, Imprimis Pharmaceuticals created an alternative drug to Daraprim, that will cost just under $1 per pill. In a statement on their website, Imprimis Pharmaceuticals said this:
Last month, Turing Pharmaceuticals LLC, the sole supplier of Daraprim, increased the price of this prescription drug from $13.50 per tablet to a reported $750.00 per tablet. The FDA-approved label for Daraprim indicates that it is prescribed for toxoplasmosis and other types of infections. Toxoplasmosis can be of major concern for patients with weakened immune systems such as patients with HIV/AIDS, pregnant women and children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pyrimethamine works to block folic acid synthesis in the parasite T. gondii, the cause of toxoplasmosis, and leucovorin helps to reverse the negative effects on bone marrow caused by this mechanism of action.
Imprimis is now offering customizable compounded formulations of pyrimethamine and leucovorin in oral capsules starting as low as $99.00 for a 100 count bottle, or at a cost of under a dollar per capsule. Compounded medications may be appropriate for prescription when a commercially-available medicine does not meet the specific needs of a patient. For ordering information, please visit
Although Martin “Pharma Bro” Shkreli thought he had the medical world by the balls with a guaranteed profit, karma stepped in and made his once exclusive $750 per pill drug the second choice of consumers by $749.
Who says good doesn’t win out in the end?
This guy comes across as trash. Pure trash.
Thankfully, an alternative medication (just as effective and significantly cheaper) is now available for patients who desperately need it.
Fantastic news.