Philadelphia Win: Celebration Or Riot?
Following the surprise Super Bowl win on Sunday by the Philadelphia Eagles, football fans took to the streets and engaged in looting, overturning cars, and general bedlam. Was this a celebration or a riot?
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In the aftermath of the chaos that overtook Philadelphia and Eagles fans, many are reacting to how the public, the press, and even city officials responded to Sunday’s civil unrest. A look at Monday’s news headlines says it all:
Philadelphia Eagles fans celebrate Super Bowl win
– Newsday
Philly Fans, Some Unruly, Celebrate Their Eagles Win
Thousands of Eagles fans take to Philly streets to celebrate Super Bowl win
– Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A “Celebration gone bad.”
– FOX & Friends
So, what’s wrong with this picture?
When African-Americans similarly take to the streets to protest being the target and/or murder victims of police officers, their actions are called a “riot.” However, when a bunch of young Whites overruns a city with violence following a win from a beloved sports team, their actions are called a “celebration.”
“Somehow, it seems there’s a line drawn in the sand where destruction of property because of a sports victory is OK and acceptable in America. However, if you have people who are fighting for their most basic human right, the right to live, they will be condemned,” Black Lives Matter New York President Hawk Newsome said on Monday.
His words couldn’t have been more relevant.
Philadelphia revelers took to the streets and ripped down light posts, caused entire structures to collapse, damaged vehicles, and smashed storefront windows as they “celebrated” the Eagles’ 41-33 victory.
So, how did local law enforcement officials respond to the merriment?
“Still going strong in the [Office of Emergency Management]. But, if everyone could go home that would be great,” Philadelphia Police Sergeant Brian Geer wrote on Twitter at 9:30 p.m., adding: “We have to get some rest to start planning a parade in the morning.”
Yes, the Philadelphia police sergeant only offered a gentle request that if everyone would go home “…that would be great.” Can anyone spell: WHITE PRIVILEGE???
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Calling the lack of condemnation from officials “a glaring example of white privilege,” BLM’s Newsome added: “You can riot if you’re white and your team wins, but if you’re black and being killed, you can’t speak out.”
Bernice King, the youngest child of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. took to Twitter to discuss the perceived disparity between a white “celebration” and a black “riot.”
As football fans riot, I am reminded that, in response to the unjust deaths of young Black men like Trayvon Martin (who would have been 23 today), rioting is considered an affront to humanity. Not endorsing violence. Endorsing honest examination of WHY & eradication of racism. — Be A King (@BerniceKing) February 5, 2018
Another Twitter user perfectly crystalized the thoughts of many African-Americans, who were asking why the Philadelphia violence is OK but any protest related to black lives is not.
The next time someone comes at you about black people “rioting” for justice, point them at this hashtag chronicling the aftermath of a sports team winning a big game: #phillypolicescanner — Mike (@StarrburyMike) February 5, 2018
African-Americans “rioting” in the streets are met with a wall of police officers, armored vehicles, and an abundance of tear gas.
Whites “celebrating” in the streets are met with a gentle message to please “go home,” because we “have a parade to plan.”
Okay so First: Congrats to the Philadelphia Eagles! I predicted they would win and they did.
For the record- I am not now, nor have I ever been, a fan of the Eagles. However, I do have a lot of kinfolk, who reside-in Philly AND “Jurzey.” Needless to say they are huge fans of the Eagles and I’m happy for them.
In fact, between my kinfolk who live in Pittsburgh (die-hard Steelers fans) and my kinfolk living in Philly and Jersey, one can just imagine how “Spirited” some of the sports debates can be during our large family But I digress.
DJ’s post is right on. He highlights a glaring double-standard widely accepted in White American culture rooted in “White privileged.” Blacks carrying out Peaceful protests demanding “Justice”: BAD. And no matter how Peaceful, marchers must be met with a brute show of law enforcement.
Whites rioting…Ooops I mean “celebrating” in the streets, vandalizing and tearing up sh*t everywhere: “Good.” And let’s “hope” they soon “go home.”
Uh oh DJ you done gone and done it now. You need to stop telling the truth so much lol. Every word you wrote is spot on. Black protest is a riot but white celebration is all good. Yes there is a big double standard. I watched those white kids on the news tearing down lamp posts, turning cars over. Then they got on top of that hotel awning and the whole thing collapsed. Police just stood back and watched. But let it be some black kids doing half that and they would had tear gas and dogs everywhere. Too bad in 2018 there is still a double standard.