Comments on: Philando Castile: Where Is The NRA? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 05 Jul 2017 13:08:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 20 Jun 2017 23:04:29 +0000 BD:
I really think Wendall Pierce has a good point. If all black men joined the NRA today they would change the gun laws in a hour. […]

Oh most certainly. No doubt about it.

But we also know what else would happen if hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of NON-violent Black men all across America lined up to LEGALLY buy even One gun per individual Black man just for protection. It would scare White America to death and feed right into the most deadly LIE of White Supremacists who will seize upon that moment to call such an act by Black men (albeit LEGAL) .."an act of aggression against ALL of White America."

Those same haters would waste NO time stoking the flames of a "Civil War. they've pined for ever since their ancestors lost the first one.. H*ll some very prominent White Supremacists are already ginning up "the tribe" for some sort of all out battle (SEE Patrick Buchanan's recent piece "Are We Nearing Civil War?"

Lord only knows all the H*ll that would be unleashed upon America!?!

Look at all the damage haters have already caused, and ARE causing, in our country today..

Btw- I don't like guns. Have never owned one and don't see myself ever owning one.

By: Mr. BD Tue, 20 Jun 2017 20:13:01 +0000 Thank you for writing about this. The whole case from beginning to end is unreal. First everybody watched the video and saw the cop shoot this man who was doing everything he was told to do. So how does a jury find him not guilty? Then you are right the NRA does not want anything to do with black men and guns. They are a good old boys club only. That statement they put out was a joke and like DJ said they shut up after that. Never heard one word from them again. I feel sorry for that family and I really think Wendall Pierce has a good point. If all black men joined the NRA today they would change the gun laws in a hour.

RIP Philando Castille

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 20 Jun 2017 15:43:22 +0000 So, where was the NRA when Philando Castile, a LEGAL permit-carrying gun owner, was shot and murdered in broad daylight by the police? Where was the NRA during his trial and after the verdict?

Nowhere to be found! [….]

You got that right DJ. The NRA was where they always are when it comes to NON-violent Black males (boys and men) who are UNarmed OR (as you point out) legally carrying a concealed gun being SLAUGHTERED (even in broad day-light) by KILLER cops.

"Nowhere to be found"

The racist double-standard is SO darn blatant that it makes me wanna HOLLA!!!

I am hurt and I am angry about this entire tragedy (his murder, the verdict AND the silence of the NRA).

And they (the so-called "real" Americans) wonder why WE (Black-Americans) are often filled with so much RAGE?!

Because of constantly being subjected to Hateful and Evil sh*t LIKE THIS.
