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If you thought the case of Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky was an isolated incident of a sports coach taking sexual advantage of young boys, prepare yourself for an extremely stunning revelation.

Bobby Davis

Word out of Syracuse University is that assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine has been fired over allegations that he too sexually molested boys. Fine has been on administrative leave since November 17th, due to a grand jury investigation into accusations that years ago he began molesting former ball boy Bobby Davis (now 39) from the time he was 12, as well as his stepbrother Mike Lang (now 45) when they were both minor children.

The firing came hours after ESPN released a 2002 taped phone conversation between Davis and Fine’s wife Laurie, in which she admitted to knowing about the alleged molestations but felt powerless to stop them. “I know everything that went on, you know,” she is heard saying on the recorded tapes. Mrs. Fine said she always knew something was going on and even caught her husband touching Davis when she peered through the blinds one night as she pretended to take out the trash. “I know everything that went on with him. Bernie has issues, maybe that he’s not aware of, but he has issues. And you trusted somebody you shouldn’t have trusted.” She added: “It’s about the d*ck, I know that.  So you’re — I’m just telling you for your own good, you’re better off just staying away from him.”

But in an odd twist of fate, Mr. Fine was not the only one Davis should have stayed away from. On the recordings, Mrs. Fine told Davis that she “really helped screw you up a little more, too” by also having a sexual relationship with him as a teenager — although he was 18 and legal at the time.

Davis faced a myriad of problems at home as a kid and often lived with the Fine’s in their basement, thinking of them as family.  The fact that both the father and the mother engaged in sexual relations with him while taking advantage of his poor home life, has certainly put the Sandusky story on the back burner and completely rocked the sports world!


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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The more I hear about this story the more obvious it is that it's a colossal mess.Btw: Is it not apparent to everyone by now that America has a HUGE pedophile problem on Our hands!?!Good.Lord. They are Everywhere…smh.  


Its bad enough when the man was molesting this kid in that house, but now the mother was doing it too? This is a sad situation. Send them both to jail!

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