Current Events

Pilot To Passengers: Just Wear Your Damned Masks!

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When your pilot leaves the cockpit to effectively tell all the passengers to cut the crap and comply with the mask mandate, you know it’s time to listen.

An airline captain has a complicated checklist and a million things to think about before flying a plane.  So, it was quite notable on a recent Southwest Airlines flight when the pilot stopped what he was doing, walked into the cabin, grabbed the mic, and told passengers he had zero interest in hearing about their political beliefs.  He just wanted everybody on the flight to wear their damned masks.


“There is not an eye roll that you can give me that I haven’t seen 750,000 times in the last year.  I know you don’t like ’em, I don’t like ’em either.  We have to wear them.  It’s the rule.  It’s not a political statement.  It’s not me taking your rights away.  It’s not me inserting my will on you, etcetera, etcetera.  All the rhetoric that I hear, I don’t wanna hear it anymore,” the unnamed airline captain said.

“So, let’s just go with the 1 hour and 43 minutes of masks, and you can breathe all the air you want in the car on the way home,” he concluded.

And THAT’S how you get a planeload of passengers to just put on their damned masks!




OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Pilot tells passengers to wear their masks.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. It’s been a busier week than usual for me but I’m good now…(smile)

    So back to this serious topic…….

    American arrogance and ignorance are 2nd to none in the world. That’s how we got into this mess (the resurgence) in the first place. The notion that a sizeable percentage of Americans have a problem with wearing a Life-Saving mask…and frankly don’t give a fig about the deadly risk they pose to themselves and others around them….tells you all you need to know about those people.

    Kudos to the pilot who made it clear he AIN’T having it. Not on his plane.


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