Political Rhetoric: CUT THE CRAP!
Conservative media figures, including Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and others, are unbelievably successful and incredibly rich, because they know how to stir up emotional rhetoric and play into the ignorance and fears of their followers. But now their divisive vitriol has gone too far.
After Democratic congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot Saturday by a crazed gunman, who was presumably angry at her voting record (including the Obama health care bill), political pundits are wondering out loud if the political tone has grown out of control. Although the shooting seized the news cycle over the weekend, this is not the first time political rhetoric has caused citizens to act out in violent ways:
In 2008 when then candidate Barack Obama was running for president, several conservative citizens in Phoenix who opposed his candidacy brought guns to an Obama rally. Limbaugh and Palin approved of their right to bear arms, while stirring up those members of the “birther” movement, who still believe to this day that President Obama is not an American citizen and is therefore ineligible to hold the office of President. John McCain himself had to often calm down several angry mobs of “birthers” who attended his political rallies spewing hatred and venom toward Mr. Obama’s candidacy.
Last year when President Obama promoted health care reform, several Democratic congressional members were threatened with intimidation, death threats and acts of violence, if they backed the new health bill. Several local congressional offices were vandalized, including spray painted epithets on buildings and a shattered glass front door of the office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona.
While joining forces with the Tea Party movement last March, Sarah Palin took to her Twitter page with a message for “Common sense conservatives,” saying: “Don’t Retreat. Instead — RELOAD!” On her website, Palin placed a list of Democratic politicians in the crosshairs of a rifle, suggesting to her followers that these were the liberals they should “target.” Immediately, Democratic leaders criticized her political methods, arguing that it could spur crazed citizens to take her message literally. But Palin rebuffed their pleas, claiming no one would think to take her words literal. Incidentally, Gabrielle Giffords was one of those Democrats listed in Palin’s crosshairs.
In Nevada, Tea Party Senate candidate Sharron Angle advocated “second-amendment remedies” to some of the nation’s problems., which was a veiled message to her followers to take matters into their own hands.
It’s one thing to be passionate about ones political beliefs. But it’s another thing to pump up the emotional decibel level, to the point where followers feel it is their duty to act out violently. When crazed citizens attend a political rally carrying a semi-automatic rifle and are applauded for their actions; or when they call in to conservative radio talk shows spewing venom and make potentially dangerous threats, yet are encouraged instead of reprimanded for crossing the line, we have a problem. The continued “Willie-Nellie / Win-at-all-costs” antics by Palin, Limbaugh, Beck and others, will only stir up the pot for more possible violence. And it’s time to CUT THE CRAP!
NOTE: Although the GOP doesn’t have a chance in hell of overturning the health care bill, Republicans intended to stage a repeal attempt of President Obama’s signature legislation in a display of their partisan mettle. But in light of the Giffords shooting, Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner announced that their planned exercise in partisan politics has now been cancelled. Is it possible just maybe they’re getting the message?
Finally somebody is telling the truth!!!!Sarah Palin and these other politicians have been stirring up trouble for a long time. Back when they were briging guns to the Obama rallies I said then there was going to be trouble. You can't tell people go target other politicians and put them in a rifle scope then not expect a problem. She didn't pull the trigger but she might as well did. That video with the congress woman was scary. She said there was going to be consequeses and then it turned she was the one to get attacked. We're living in sad times people.
Not only is it unfair to align Republicans as responsible for this heinous act, but it's untrue. There is no evidence whatsoever to support this gunman acted on behalf of any idea other than his own sick mental state. Granted, I believe this is a great moment for the country to consider toning down political rhetoric. But to scapegoat Sarah Palin or any other Republican as the reason behind this tragedy is simply false.
Beth:"<span>Not only is it unfair to align Republicans as responsible for this heinous act, but it's untrue."</span><span></span><span>I agree with Beth. But not because i think laying blame at the feet of Repubs is "unfair" and/or "untrue." But because I think BOTH sides are responsible for the Poisonous and_dare I say_DEADLY political climate that exist in America today. </span><span></span><span>CLEARLY, that young man is mentally disturbed. </span><span></span><span>But Our collective failure to SEE and acknowledge that <span>WE as a society (sound and UNsound-minded Americans) are INDEED affected in some way by ALL of the CRAP you hear via ALL forms of media today, 24/7, 365 days a year, is also INSANE. It will lead to the death of this nation!</span></span><span></span><span>It really needs to STOP now!!! Sadly, it won't. But it needs to…smh.</span><span></span><span>H*LL, I stopped listening a long time ago!</span>
I have to respectfully disagree with you Beth. Your right nobody knows for sure yet what caused the guy to shoot and kill all those people in Arizona. But just click some of the blue links in this article like I did. You can see how DJ showed proof of the tension building over the years into what happened Saturday.So your right that Republicans can't be blamed directly. But they sure can be blamed indirectly.