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POLL: Are Indian-Themed Sports Teams Racist?

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June 9, 2014

Current Events
Are Indian-Themed Sports Teams Racist?
The Cleveland Browns. The Cleveland Indians. The Washington Redskins. The Atlanta Braves. These are all sports teams that inexplicably mock Native Americans by treating them as mere mascots. Is this racism?

Current Events

Just a quick look at any of those “Indian-themed” teams will show fans parading around in war paint, wearing feathered headdresses and carrying tomahawks. These same fans mimic their concept of traditional Native American dance and freely use the derogatory term “redskin,” while the general public turns a blind eye and deaf ear to its blatant offensiveness. But why?

“On the whole, people can recognize what’s anti-black, anti-gay, anti-Latino, anti-Asian, and so on: But when it comes to racism directed at Native Americans, we, the first peoples of this continent, are left having to explain why Indian mascots and painting your face red at a Cleveland Indians game denigrate us,” said CNN contributor and Native American Simon Moya-Smith.

Would anyone accept the Jacksonville Jews, with fans dressing up as Rabbi’s and carrying Torah’s as if it were some sort of souvenir? Would society stand for the Chattanooga Chinks, with fans scooting around holding chopsticks while dressed as the stereotypical “Chinaman?”  Of course not! So, why then is it acceptable to use Native American heritage as some flippant sports theme?

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“Thanks to Hollywood, I’m supposed to have long hair, bronze skin and a very limited vocabulary,” Moya-Smith added. “Courtesy of Thanksgiving and Halloween, it’s possible someone might believe it’s “just in good fun” to dress in faux Native American garb and play Indian. So when I walk in a room, nobody looks at me and sees a Native American. Why? Because people have been conditioned to believe I look, act, and even talk a certain way, and believe playing Indian is OK. Lo, it’s not!”

Should the indigenous people of North America continue to be treated as court jesters for our entertainment pleasure?  Or should we wake up and realize that mocking Native Americans or any race for that matter, solely for the purpose of entertainment is still racism?


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Today’s article:  Are Indian-Themed Sports Teams Racist?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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