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POLL: Do You Believe In Aliens?

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November 11, 2014

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POLL:  Do You Believe In Aliens?
In this vast universe of ours, with all the other planets, stars and multiple galaxies, is earth the only place where intelligent life exists?  Are we truly alone?  Or, is it possible that life exists outside of this comfort zone we call earth?

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Think about it: us earthlings think of ourselves as the top of the food chain.  We know it all, we have all the answers already figured out and everything and everyone else is beneath us.  But, is this reality?  Could the universe hold societies far more intelligent and advanced than we could ever imagine?

Advanced life outside of earth could be a double-edged sword.  For example, it would totally destroy the biblical theory that Adam and Eve were the first forms of life ever and would force billions of the world’s citizens to rethink Christianity as we know it. Advanced forms of life could offer us cool new technology that would make the iPhone seem laughable. They could provide cures for diseases we consider deadly… diseases they consider as simple as a common cold. However, they could also think of us as we think of a mosquito and just kill us with one swap without even thinking.

Revered and respected scientist Stephen Hawking believes we are not alone and thinks it’s in our best interest not to try contacting other life forms in our universe.  Hawking subscribes to the theory that ultra-advanced life would consider us as unimportant as a mere fly on a windshield.

However, another respected scientist, the now late Boyd Bushman, believes that not only are aliens real, but they’ve already visited us and have regular contact with earth.  He says the world governments have kept this quiet to avoid mass hysteria, but swears that it’s real.

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Bushman, who holds multiple patents in aviation and is a former employee of the aerospace, technology and defense company, Lockheed Martin, left behind a video detailing how and when UFOs and aliens visited our planet.  He also confessed that the Roswell UFO crash was authentic and that the infamous Area 51 in the Nevada desert specifically exists for its work regarding alien life.

So, how about it?  Are we alone, or does alien life exist outside of earth?


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OK WASSUP! covers the current events of the day.  
Today’s article:  Do you believe in aliens? TAKE OUR POLL!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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