Yahweh. Jehovah. Buddha. Mohammad. God. The world’s mix of cultures and beliefs have each decided on a name for their version of a “Higher Power.” But, is God real? Or better yet, does God exist in the way we think??
For centuries, the mental image of “God” has been an old white man with a long white beard, sitting on a throne in the sky, granting and denying wishes while keeping a scorecard of if we’ve been naughty or nice — so as to determine if we are worthy of entering the kingdom of heaven on the TBD day he judges us. However, is an old white man on a throne in the sky really an accurate depiction, or a bushel of bullshit?

No matter the religious doctrine, most who believe in a higher power adhere to one central theme: God is love. So, if God is real and is truly love, how does that correlate with God sitting on a throne judging and condemning certain souls to the damnation of hell on judgment day? If God is real, is truly love, and is filled with compassion and forgiveness, then how does this Hell thing work?
Additionally, if God is real, then God is neither human, male, nor female. So, the concept of referring to God as “He” or “Father” is a man-made gimmick. Creating a tangible image of God as a man on a throne makes more sense to our limited human brains and emotional hearts than (for example) an image of God as an invisible poof of smoke. Humans often need something they can easily comprehend and make rational sense of. God as a man fulfills that need. So, if God is not human, male, or female, then what is God?

Some say God is the love that lives inside all of us. Others believe God and the angels are what we think of as “aliens” and that heaven is life on some other planet or in some other galaxy. Still, another school of thought suggests that God is an invisible energy force that we can all call upon at will via the mystical powers of the universe. For example, no one can see electricity, yet we all know we can plug a lamp into the wall and electricity will empower the lamp to work. So then can we put a positive thought into the universe and “God” will provide it. As Carl Sagan once said, although the concept of God as a universal energy force is a lot more realistic, it is emotionally unsatisfying.
Detractors of Christianity laugh by suggesting that God was replaced with a new and improved “God” named Jesus, who was born to a virgin impregnated through divine order. The theory is that God of the Old Testament was vengeful and full of wrath, insisting on an eye for an eye while killing animals and people in sacrifice to him. However, God of the New Testament (Jesus) was a more peaceful and loving image who couldn’t actually replace the original God, but was considered to be one and the same as God. Although this makes perfect sense to Christians, others have laughed at the belief that Jesus and God magically morphed into one and that anyone who actually believes such a concept is gullible and naive. Could it be possible that despite our years of Catholic school, God and Jesus are actually 2 separate entities??
We’ve all been taught various theories of God. Some have convinced themselves that God wanted them to marry or divorce someone, to kill, to hate other races, to reject homosexuals or the homeless, or to look down on other faiths and religions as false. Most everyone has been conditioned to believe one theory of God and to NEVER EVER question or rationalize it. But, is this genuine or mere mind control designed to maintain order?
What is God? Is God Jesus or is Jesus a “replacement” of the Old Testament God? Does God really exist but not at ALL in the way we’ve been conditioned to believe? Has everything we’ve read and been told about God been totally 100% accurate, or could our stories of God be the myth of “Santa Claus” all over again?
Is God real?
What makes a tree a tree or the sky the sky? Is it by definition that these things have their essence or is it that their natural state of being is observed and perceived by something other than itself trying to understand it? Why couldn't "the sky" be named "the tree" or vise versa? So what's in a name? Rose by any other name… Is there really power in a name or is the real power our ability to be activated into great levels of ourselves based upon saying certain words. It would seem that in the human experience words and their definitions cause reflection and action. Whether we receive this information thru conditioning or self-awareness remains a topic of conversation. Suffice to say that, the reality of God and viewed conventions of God's connection with humanity offers a plethora of conversation. Within the human psyche exists the need to survive and its interesting the lengths at which we will go to, to make it happen. Collectively or individually we are making up our own rules to survive. For some that might be God as the white man on the throne with the score card, if their state of awareness is that someone needs to be keeping score for them in order to have peace of mind. For others it might be a man named Jesus with a message of love and willing to give his life for the good of others if they need love and sacrifice in their lives. And for the rest it might be The Father, Son and Holy Ghost (The Three In One) to simplify an already extremely complex notion. I believe we make choices in our lives that bring varied results. When we say God told me to do thus and so, are we really speaking to the ability to make choices that comes with the creation of humans or did an external voice really speak to us? I have to come to believe that God is an experience and that experience can evolve in our human experience as we open ourselves to it. Although the God of social order has a lot to be desired. It could be very possible that the names God and Jesus are truly acronyms for something. I think that at some point all humans good thru some sort of conditioning in their experience. Our existence is one of continuous discovery internal and external. I do believe that God is just God and always will be. I don't have an explanation regarding the totality of God's reality and I don't think the source of living things (God) really cares if I am able to grasp it all. I believe if anything God has created and invested in the creation of humans. All we have to do is to open ourselves to discovery and information will come.
Aw you done done it now DJ. This post is about to pull them out the woodworks.
I had to read this article a few times before I could find the right words to respond because God is a touchy subject for alot of people. You're right God is not some old man sitting up in the sky keeping score but God is real. I think religions have confused what God is which is one reason why I don't go to church anymore. They made the whole idea about God off and it's done more harm than good. You asked if our concept of God is real. No I don't think it is since alot of people think about God like Santa Clause handing out toys. I do believe in God, I just don't think it's in the way we have been taught to think.
A man in the sky granting wishes is real. Yeah right!
You cannot know God apart from Christ. That was Jesus' claim concerning Himself and His relationship to God.
If you cannot know God apart from Christ, then how did anybody know God before Jesus was born??? And what about all of us who believe in God but aren't Christian???
God is definitely real! There is no doubt about that.
However, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, because God provided every human being with a will.
God will never force anyone to believe in Him. That's a choice that we all must make individually.
I agree that the perceptions of God has been polluted by religion and society. That is why it is important to read and study the Word of God for ourselves. The Word of God is truth. If we start there, we can't go wrong. It's when we seek other human beings for the truth that things because confused and clouded.
That statement, in an of itself, is not true. You need the full context to truly understand what is meant by it.
It's not talking about 'knowing' God in the sense of His existence. The statement is in reference to eternal salvation.
If a person denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, then it is not possible for them to accept eternal salvation, which comes from the Father, because they have rejected the One who the Father has sent to bring it to them.
If you're interested, read the full context in John 14. The verse that you were focusing on is John 14:6 which states, "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
There are so many varied perspectives on God.
If anyone truly has a desire to know more about Him, all they have to do is start by reading His Word and then seeking Him for the things they don't know.
That's not who God is. That sounds more like a genie. lol
Your just spewing out everything you learned in Christianity. But if God is all about love, he's not just gonna let only Christians into heaven. Christians don't own God and the only route into heaven. God is way bigger than that. Your only saying evrything you brain was conditioned to say. Not everybody believes in Jesus so more than Jesus believers will get into heaven.
Whew, you know not GOD but RELIGION is a touchy subject. God to some is money, some health, some drugs….But MY God IS a gentleman, like you said, and will not force Himself on anyone. He is SO real!! I can't imagine how people make it without Him to lean on, depend on and turn to! You got to believe in SOMETHING!! Even those who believe in the BIG BAND THEORY…(ummm, wonder where THOSE particles came from!) But He calls me FRIEND!!!
God is real ! Take a look at nature and the human body. Just sayin
Almost everyone believes in some sort of supremely powerful entity that can do wonders and can do no wrong. Most of those who reject God instead worship the state.
Interesting comments from everyone — especially those that continue to personify God as "Him." Surely God is bigger than just being a "Him." Also, very interesting comment from Todd who asked what about those who believe in God but don't follow Christianity? Good question…
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With the question that Todd posed in his comment. How do you answer the question of "Eternal Salvation" for those who believed in God prior to Jesus Christ. You stated : "If a person denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, then it is not possible for them to accept eternal salvation, which comes from the Father, because they have rejected the One who the Father has sent to bring it to them" Since there was no Jesus to accept or reject and there was no such religion as Christainity at the time, where did these honest believers in God go? Since the bible only speaks of two destinations after life being Heaven or Hell. Are you saying that those trillions of lives that lived before this offer of eternal salvation are just left out. Because according to what you propose in your statement they couldn't accept an offer that was never made to them. The question I pose, is that fair? To condem someone without even giving them an opportunity and how could you trust an offer of any sort that comes from a source that is prejudical from the start. If God is truly love, shouldn't that love extend and embrace all humanity? Just wondering how you reconcile this?
Wow. I love this explanation Ty. And I would agree. This topic is admittedly very difficult for me to put into an answer so thank you for your thorough and eloquent statement on it. I love the notion that God is an experience that evolves in our own human experience as we continue to learn and mature with each passing day. Great topic DJ!
Wow. Great response Todd!
Yes indeed DJ…lol. You truly ARE a brave man!
The truth is, I deliberately steered clear of this discussion the first time around (3 yrs ago) because as BD so accurately put it back then “God is a touchy subject for a lot of people.” But BD’s response was very much in line with my thinking…the only difference being that I still attend the church I am happy with.
Tyrob also articulated a few fine points and were I to borrow a thought from him, modified a bit to express where I am on this matter it would read: I have to come to believe IN God through my own life’s experiences. And as I live and continue to *go through* this incredible human journey, I trust, God will forever remain Real to me.
Oh…and I absolutely REJECT the god of “social order” and “social conservatism.”
This is a important topic I’m glad you brought back. I don’t think we have the whole story about God yet and people get locked in certain beliefs and never want to open their minds. We have a lot to learn if we just try.
This topic always gets me and makes me think. I am glad you re posted it.
Oh boy DJ…Lol It’s Dec. 27, 2022 and You’re STILL truly a brave man!
And BD’s response in 2017 still does it for me:
“This is a important topic I’m glad you brought back. I don’t think we have the whole story about God yet and people get locked in certain beliefs and never want to open their minds. We have a lot to learn if we just try.”
And let the Church say Amen!