POLL: Is Mass Murder a White Male Crime?
What does Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Jared Lee Loughner, James Eagan Holmes, Wade Michael Page and Adam Lanza all have in common? They’re all mass murderers — and they’re also all young white males.
The killings of Columbine High School, the Gabrielle Giffords event in Tucson, the Aurora movie theater, the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin and the Sandy Hook Elementary School have uncovered a bizarre trend: indiscriminate killing sprees of innocent people appears to be a white male crime.
Since the Sandy Hook shooting, psychologists have picked apart what made the killer want to kill innocent little children in a school he had no connection to. The same question was asked of each of the other massacres as well. Professionals could only conclude that the killers each suffered from some psychological issue, but why do these deranged desires to kill groups of people seem limited to only one race? And why is mental illness the “go to” excuse when the killer is white?
When the DC Sniper terrorized the east coast several years ago, police initially began their search for a young white male, since the crime fit the trend. Although the shooters turned out to be African-American, their wild and indiscriminate killing spree was truly the exception and not at all the norm. Walking into a school or a mall or a church and just opening fire on whoever is in the way is not historically a black or Hispanic or Asian crime — yet it is a white one. But why?
Before Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Jared Lee Loughner, James Eagan Holmes, Wade Michael Page and Adam Lanza, there was Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, David “the Son of Sam” Berkowitz, Charles Manson and others. All white men.
Why are young white males angrily killing massive groups of total strangers at an alarming and repetitive rate? What “psychological issues” could they be suffering from that no other ethnic group appears to be experiencing on a widespread basis? Why are Arab killings considered terrorism, black killings considered gang/thug violence, but white killings considered mental illness?
The answers to these questions could be the solution to the problem.
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Maybe one reason y those white males shot innocent people is because they were tired of being bullied/ harrased/ robbed/ by these people you see on the top of this book. Its not an excuse but a lot of ppl live with mental illnesses. Maybe if you stopped to think about what's going on in their lives before you told them they were weird and should just go kill themselves like most people did.