POLL: Should Kathleen Sebelius Be Fired?
Current Events
The roll out of Obamacare was atrocious, yet no one was held accountable. As Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius was in charge. She was responsible for making sure Obamacare was delivered smoothly and correctly. She was accountable for meeting the health care deadline or at least alerting the president that there was a problem long before the public was ever allowed in. With Obamacare as the signature program of the Obama presidency, THIS was her #1 front-and-center priority. But she failed. Miserably. Yet she still has a job. Why???
No one is exactly sure why “No-Drama Obama” has remained publicly supportive of Secretary Sebelius, but it’s an unbelievable mistake that could cost the president his legacy. “If this were to happen in the private sector, somebody would have probably already lost their job,” former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.
Current Events
The launch of Obamacare was botched beyond belief — yet no one was punished, no one was given a time-out, no one was sent to stand in the corner with a dunce cap on their head. Kathleen Sebelius should have been, but she wasn’t. The laws of human nature and common sense prove that the general public needs a face to pin the blame of failure on and President Obama needs a public sacrifice to appease public sentiment. “I think the only way to restore ultimate confidence in going forward is to make sure that whoever was in charge of this isn’t in charge of the long-term health care plan,” Gibbs added.
The American public desperately needs to see someone in the administration reprimanded or fired — which would provide closure and vindication. However, no one has been reprimanded, no one has been fired and no one has been given closure or vindication.
Wake up, Mr. President. Make a bold statement. Fire Kathleen Sebelius, put a fresh new face on health care, salvage the centerpiece of your presidency and instantly repair your own legacy.
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