POLL: Should Sexuality Matter In Sports?
Since Sam’s announcement, several current football players raced to condemn him for coming out. Several teams also predicted that despite Sam’s enormous talents, his sexuality would force him to drop in the May NFL draft.
However, sports anchor Dale Hansen in Texas surprisingly came to Sam’s aid, saying that although he doesn’t understand male to male attraction, we owe Michael Sam respect and the right to live his life in his own way. NFL stars Colin Kaepernick and Cam Newton also went public in their support of Sam and his decision to live his own truth. In the NBA, Collins’ jersey is selling out like hotcakes and he has been welcomed with open arms.
Michael Sam’s announcement and Jason Collins’ signing have opened the discussion regarding sexuality in professional sports. Does it really matter if a player likes men or women? Should it matter?
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and if it should matter.
If it didn't matter, they should have not brought it up and made it an issue. They wanted the reactions that they got. And I can't blame other team members if they don't want to work with them. Not to mention they are homosexuals but what if they have STD's they will expose these other people while playing.
Also, these two are fools. You think your going to join the white homosexual movement but I got news for you, as usual, they are going to use you to get where they want to go and then they are going to throw you down and treat you like dirt.
Weak mind individuals.
I am sick of this evil agenda to get recognition and to force acceptance because that is the only reason to come out in public with this. You don't see straight people or handicapped people saying I am straight or I am handicapped look at me.
It should not matter one bit. In sports the only thing that matters is if you can help your team win games. Jason and Sam's careers should be recognized for how well they handled the basketball or rushed the QB. Sexuality has nothing to do with winning games.
Cosign with Marcus.
I'm a realist so I know that there will always be a segment of our society who proudly espouses Hatred..be they racists, bigots, religious zealots, gun-nuts or other extremist factions. It's who they are.
However, I truly believe that for the Majority of Americans, as a nation, We are gradually moving towards the point of view well articulated by Marcus. And NOT just as it relates to sports. But as it relates to any sector of life.
Goodness knows, I hope I'm right.
Who somebody sleeps with in the privacy of their home shouldn't have diddly squat to do with their work. So sexuality shouldn't matter in sports, at work, at school or anywhere else. I don't need to know or care about my co workers sex habits, neither should sports players.
Sexuality shouldn't matter in sports just like it shouldn't matter in business or the professional world. I like what Truthizz said about that our society as a whole is becoming more accepting, i totally agree. It's sad the bigoted minority is so vocal and gets the press. Imagine in 20 years we will all be wondering why this was even an issue.
I think Kapernick and Cam who happen to be two of the NFL's rising stars coming out in support of Sam is huge. It shows that the NFL's future is bright. Also when it comes down to it, its if Sam and Collins can help their teams, if they don't it won't be because of their sexuality it will be because of their athletic skill.