Pollsters Fired For Leaking Trump Truths
Donald Trump claims all the polls showing him trailing multiple Democratic 2020 candidates is “fake news.” However, once it was revealed the data came from his own pollsters, Trump fired them.
Trump officially launched his reelection campaign yesterday in Florida. However, his hopes of serving a 2nd term appear rather grim. Despite a strong economy, working-class voters who defected from the Democrats to support Trump in 2016 are disgruntled with his performance and failure to fulfill promises. Additionally, the country is more divided now than at any other time in recent memory. That’s not good news for the incumbent.
According to Trump’s very own internal pollsters, former Vice-President Joe Biden leads Trump by 17 points in Virginia, by 9 points in Florida, by 8 points in North Carolina, by 6 points in Georgia, and by 2 points in Texas.
In a recent Fox News poll, the numbers didn’t get any better.
According to Fox, Biden leads Trump nationally 49% to 39%. Bernie Sanders is ahead of Trump 49% to 40%, while Sen. Elizabeth Warren tops Trump 43% to 41%. In fact, Fox says virtually every major Democratic candidate is currently ahead of Donald Trump and could beat him handily in 2020.
The ultra-conservative National Journal also painted a bleak picture for the Oval Office occupant.
“Trump is in the weakest political shape of any sitting president since George H.W. Bush. Despite a historically strong economy, his job approval ratings are still badly underwater. At least 40% of voters are fired up to vote against him, no matter what happens in the next year. He’s already lost ground with the working-class voters who defected from the Democrats to support him in 2016, with his favorability rating dropping 19 points among that critical Obama-Trump constituency in the last two years. … Trump’s clearest path to victory relies on Democrats making a series of self-destructive decisions. But even if Democrats turn leftward and nominate a weak challenger, they’d still have a credible chance at unseating Trump. The country’s rampant polarization guarantees that anyone—no matter how extreme—would be well-positioned against the president.”
During a recent interview with ABC’s George Stephanoupolis (the same interview Trump admitted he would collude with a foreign government if it aided his campaign), the “Good Morning America” host caught ‘The Donald’ off guard with data directly from his own pollsters.
“Even your own polls show you behind, don’t they?” Stephanoupolis inquired.
“NO!” Trump replied emphatically. “My polls show that I’m winning everywhere.”
“Hmm, I don’t know. We’ve all seen these reports — 15 out of 17 states — you spent $2 million on a poll and you’re behind,” Stephanoupolis pressed.
“Nobody showed you those polls, George, because those polls don’t exist. I just had a meeting with my pollsters and I’m winning everywhere,” Trump insisted with a thinly-veiled spin.
“Trumpworld is trying to wave a red flag in front of the president to warn him that his 2020 reelection battle is going to be a tougher fight than he’s willing to acknowledge.” – The Washington Post
Too bad Trump’s words were the actual “fake news.” In fact, it was his own pollsters who revealed the pathetic poll numbers for ‘The Donald’ — news he would have preferred to keep from the public, news he can’t label as “fake” since it’s from his own data, and news that doesn’t gel with the “I’m always winning” narrative Trump likes to promote about himself.
So, how did Donald Trump handle the unpleasant data from his pollsters? He fired them!
The Trump pollsters and reelection team had hoped to snap their boss into reality and show him the cold, hard facts about a potential 2nd term that currently appears to be in jeopardy. However, Trump proved one very consistent point: he can’t handle the truth. So, he fought back with anger. Fire the pollsters who are telling the truth and replace them with yes-men who will tell him what he wants to hear.
Oh, Donald., haven’t you heard that old saying? Don’t shoot the messenger just because you don’t like the message.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump pollsters say his reelection is in trouble.
As regular readers know, I’m no fan of polls even when polls show my candidate ahead. HOWEVER!…..
If even Faux Noise and other right-wing polls are showing Pres. “MAGA” losing to Dems then that’s at least a sign that maybe…just maybe…he’s beginning to lose some real support among his base(?)
Well…we shall see.
In the meantime Dems would do well to note that it’s way too early to put even the slightest bit of trust in any polls. Dems had also better remember that winning the popular vote..even by Millions…means absolutely Nothing if you lose the EC vote. (SEE Al Gore and Hillary Clinton).
Trump won the EC vote by the slimmest of margins. And he could do it again!
On a somewhat related note…..
The Dems will hold their first debate tonight. The event will be televised on MSNBC and NBC. Candidate will finally have a chance to go head-to-head while making their case to the American people.
Haven’t yet decided if I’m going to watch any of it(?) But apparently Pres. MAGA plans to Live-tweet during the debates.
Biden had better bring his *A* game because Elizabeth Warren is No.Joke. She tends to be a little too far left for me but she’s knows her stuff (formulating policies) and she’s excellent at articulating her vision for moving the country forward, whether you agree with her or not.
I thought the debate was next week?
Oops! ….BD is correct…it’s next Wed. June 26th.
My apologies for the error. Thanks BD!
I’m with Truth. I don’t want to count the chickens before they hatch. But the fact Fox news is saying Trump is behind is a big deal. I think you have to believe that one.Now that does not mean we take anything for granted. We still have to vote.