
Potential Joe Biden Cabinet Could Create Unity

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After handily winning Super Tuesday III and effectively locking up the Democratic nomination, Joe Biden is now that much closer to the presidency.  Having already discussed who his choice of running mate might be and, instead of more doomsday coronavirus news, let’s take a look at what a potential Joe Biden cabinet could look like this time next year.

With all of the 11th-hour endorsements that turned his dwindling campaign into a sure-fire winner, Joe Biden owes a lot of people a lot of favors.  So, what better way to reward them than with White House jobs inside a potential Joe Biden cabinet.

Potential Joe Biden Cabinet


If Sen. Kamala Harris isn’t chosen as Biden’s VP running mate, she’d make an exceptional Attorney General of the United States. She has the toughness and integrity to clean up the mess Trump has made of the Justice Dept.  Plus, she’s the former Attorney General of California.

Potential Joe Biden Cabinet
Sen. Amy Klobuchar

Sen. Amy Klobuchar could be rewarded for her Biden endorsement by being named National Security Advisor.  Klobuchar is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and a former Attorney General of Minnesota.  Such an appointment wouldn’t put her in the White House office she originally wanted, but she’d be close.

Mike Bloomberg is a multi-billionaire who understands money and the economy. So, what could be better than naming him Secretary of Treasury inside a potential Joe Biden Cabinet?  ‘Nuff said.

Potential Joe Biden Cabinet
Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg would make an exceptional Secretary of Homeland Security. His background in military intelligence and his combat service to our country is ample preparation for the job (and a fine “Thank You” for the Biden endorsement).  He’s also no longer mayor and available for hire.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has spent a huge chunk of her political career fighting for health care for all Americans.  So, why not name her Secretary of Health and Human Services?

Sen. Cory Booker would be a natural as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. His experience as Mayor of Newark and his work in the inner cities would greatly benefit the agency — particularly following the lackluster performance from current Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson.

Potential Joe Biden Cabinet
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Sen. Michael Bennet was once Superintendent of the Denver Public School system.  So, naming him as Secretary of Education would be an absolute no-brainer — and a much-needed cleanup of the Trump education department.

Former Democratic presidential candidate and current billionaire Tom Steyer knows money and knows business.  He also has important connections all over the world.  With that in mind, Steyer could effectively promote American business and technology abroad as Commerce Secretary.

Former Democratic presidential candidate and millionaire Andrew Yang might also be a good choice to control America’s nuclear stockpile and handle renewable energy as Secretary of Energy.

Admiral William McRaven

Then, there’s AOC — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who already has an incredible future ahead for her in politics but could provide much-needed youthfulness and energy as our next-generation UN Ambassador.

Granted, Sen. Mitt Romney is a Republican.  However, he’s also a member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Homeland Security committees.  As a special “Thank You” for having the courage of his convictions to vote to impeach Donald Trump (and now that he’s an outcast within his own party), Mitt might make a formidable diplomat as US Secretary of State.  Having at least 1 GOP voice within his administration could prove Biden is serious about ending divisive partisanship and unifying the nation.

Of course, we can’t forget William McRaven, the retired Navy admiral who commanded the US Special Ops Command from 2011-2014 and oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.  Admiral McRaven has been very vocal against the way Donald Trump has politicized our intelligence agencies.  He would make an amazing Secretary of Defense.

The remaining potential Joe Biden cabinet slots include:

Secy. of Interior
Secy. of Agriculture
Secy. of Labor
Secy. of Transportation
Secy. of Veterans Affairs

Naturally, we’ll visit this topic again should Joe Biden actually win the presidency.  But for now, it’s at least fun to speculate.

So, play along.  Who are your choices and how do they differ from our suggestions above?

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
What would a potential Joe Biden Cabinet look like?


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Honestly DJ, I really like you suggestion for each position. You’ve made some really good picks.

And frankly, if the majority of We The People actually come together and save Our country this November (Biden wins the presidency) I hope the new president (and his advisory committee) will be wise enough to think along the same lines.

Cleaning up the catastrophic mess that’ll be left behind by the current disastrous administration (as a result of this fake presidency) is going to be a monumental task. Biden will undoubtedly need to surround himself with a lot of smart, dedicated and competent people. From day One.


Okay I will play along. These are real good choices DJ. I would be very happy with a black woman as vice president but I read since California always goes Democrat he might pick somebody who could help win a state. Amy Klobuchar is the name I keep hearing because she delivered Minnesota for him. Another name they say is Elizabeth Warren because maybe she could calm all the sore loser Bernie Sanders people. If he could announce AOC would be his UN ambassador maybe that could help bring the Bernie fans along. I would like to see Val Deming in there somewhere too. Maybe move her to Homeland Security and put Buttigieg at Veterans department.


You know BD. Elizabeth Warren is my 2nd choice for VP, since I can’t have my first choice (Stacey).

To be honest I think Elizabeth would probably be good at any position she’s appointed to. She’s smart as heck, a woman of conviction and a true fighter. IMO, except for taking down Bloomberg, the presidential campaign she ran was not a good presentation of her best qualities.


Why do you say you cannot have your first choice Stacey Abrams? Is she out of the running?


You pulled my coattail BD remember? You said you feel she’s not quite ready yet and needs a little more experience first. You may be right – and I think a lot of people may agree with you. That’s the only reason I think she might not be chosen.

But the truth is, nothing would make me happier than for her to be Biden’s VP pick.


‘Gabbard suspends long-shot presidential campaign’

She made the announcement in a video posted to Twitter on Thursday.

The move comes as former Vice President Joe Biden consolidates support in the party and builds a massive delegate lead over his only remaining rival in the primary race, Sen. Bernie Sanders. Gabbard, in the video, offered her “full support” to Biden. […] – MSN, Mar. 19, 2020

Ummm. Okay.


I forgot she was still in it. Does her endorsement even matter now?


“Does her endorsement even matter now?”


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